Chapter Fourteen

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I've been in a funk recently and my muse as since floated away. I figured I'd try just free writing to see what I came up with to trigger my spark, my muse. This is what I came up with ... It'll be a short novella.

Fifteen minutes later, Alice and Jasper came back into the church along with the rest of the wedding party and the families. Bella tried to wriggle out of Edward's hold, but he held firm, moving to sit down in one of the pews. The photographer barked out orders, arranging everyone for the photos. When it came time for the Cullen's to get their picture taken, Esme, Edward and Rosalie dragged Bella out of the pew. Even Jasper was adamant that Bella be in the photos as Edward's girlfriend. Carlisle, Emmett, and Alice were clearly not happy, but they plastered on fake smiles as they posed for the photos.

After the photos, the wedding party went to the same hotel where Bella, Edward and Jasper had been staying. They mingled during the cocktail hour, drinking Alice's specialty wedding drink. Edward hovered close to Bella, ignoring his father, and younger siblings. Alice was in her element, flitting from guest to guest with her new husband in tow. However, there appeared to be trouble in paradise. Jasper was giving his wife the cold shoulder. Portraying a dutiful husband, but there was a disconnect between the two.

Inside the massive ballroom, which had the same décor as the church, Bella sat down next to Esme, ignoring Carlisle. Esme squeezed her hand, whispering that Edward was going to be sitting with her since he didn't want to slap Maria. They'd walk in together, but Edward would sit with Bella.

The DJ played some upbeat Christmas music, and he introduced the bridal party. Edward walked stiffly with Maria, trying not to touch her. She tried to kiss him, and he spun out of her reach, gliding to the table with his mother and girlfriend. He sat down next to Bella, downing the glass of wine at his seat. Maria scowled at him, stomping to her seat at the head table.

Emmett and Rosalie walked in. Emmett tried to dance with his wife, but she was not having it. She smiled at him, but stiffly moved to her spot next to Alice's seat. She rubbed her belly, sitting down heavily even though everyone else remained standing as Alice and Jasper walked into the song, "White Christmas." They danced slowly to the smooth, baritone voice of Bing Crosby. At the end of the song, Jasper dipped Alice and kissed her sweetly, guiding her to the head table.

After a prayer from the priest, the first course was brought out from the kitchen. Carlisle was glowering at Rose. "What is it with Rosalie? She's been awfully cold to Emmett. She wouldn't dance with him."

"She's pregnant, Carlisle," Esme sighed. "With twins. You've never been pregnant, but it puts a lot of pressure on your body. Both Edward and Emmett were big babies. Do you remember when I was bed rest? The doctors are concerned about Rose. Back off. There's more to life than your image."

Carlisle clinched his jaw, shooting a sharp glare at his wife. "I know that," he hissed. He blinked at his oldest son and the trollop he'd brought with him. "I hope you're happy, Edward."

"Immensely," Edward said, arching a brow at his father.

"Happy that you single-handedly ruined your sister's wedding," Carlisle huffed. "Bringing ... your girlfriend ..." He said the word girlfriend so derisively, it sounded like a cuss word. "You've divided this family with your selfishness."

"Mr. Cullen, Edward didn't divide this family. You did," Bella said, her brown eyes flashing. "Edward is an amazing, wonderful, brilliant man. He's kind and generous and twice, no ten times the man you'll ever be because he has a heart. Whereas, you don't. You've been judging me since you saw me sitting at the kitchen counter. The only people who have been welcoming are obviously Edward, Esme, Rose, and Jasper. Oh, and Jasper's parents, too. You look at me like I'm the shit beneath your feet. But, you know what? You guys have a family. What I wouldn't give to have a fucking family ..."

"Bella," Edward whispered.

"No, he needs to hear this. I lost everyone in my family. I'd give up everything to have them back and here you are, judging your oldest son when you should be proud of him, proud of his accomplishments," Bella said, trying not to cry. "Take a page from his book. Be better. Love unconditionally. Stop being an asshole." She stood up, placing her napkin on the table. "Excuse me. I need a moment." She left the wrap, taking her clutch and scurrying out of the ballroom.

No one had heard her outburst except their table. Esme glowered at her husband with disdain while Edward wanted to go. He didn't need this. Bella sure as hell didn't need this. Even Nana Cullen looked ashamed, her wrinkled skin blushing. "She's right," Nana Cullen muttered. "We've been awful, Carlisle. We have something that many don't anymore. A complete family ..."

Carlisle pursed his lips. "She was just a stray. Edward can do better than her," he scoffed.

"Like you care about me. I've been nothing but a disappointment because I didn't want to kiss your ass. Regardless of what you think, she's who I want. She's made me feel more alive," Edward said, giving his father a pointed glare. "I love her."

"What do you know about love?" Carlisle asked. "Love is for the weak."

"So, I'm weak?" Esme asked. "Because I love you? Though, as of late, that's debatable. You've turned into someone that I don't recognize, Carlisle. That is rubbing off on your children. Emmett and Alice are just like you, if not worse than you."

"If anyone has ruined this wedding, it was you," Edward said, pushing his plate away. "With your bigoted, close-minded prejudice of anyone who makes less than a million dollars a year." He stood up, shaking his head. "Bella had the right idea. I need a moment. I'll be back, hopefully with my girlfriend. If not, I'll call you, Mom."

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