Chapter Eighteen

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I've been in a funk recently and my muse as since floated away. I figured I'd try just free writing to see what I came up with to trigger my spark, my muse. This is what I came up with ... It'll be a short novella.

With a low growl, he walked to his computer, opening it up. He went to book a flight, but another snowstorm had descended on the city. All the flights were cancelled. "God damn it!" he snapped. He shook his head, finding the first available flight to Phoenix and booked it.

He was not giving up Bella without a fight.

"All I want for Christmas is you, gorgeous," he said, packing his bags.

Edward avoided contact with everyone in his family, only talking to Rose to check on how she was doing. She'd gotten some information about Alice and Jasper. They were still married, but Jasper offered an ultimatum regarding her bratty behavior. If there were no changes within six months, their marriage would be annulled.

Jasper was far too kind in giving her another chance, but it was his choice. Edward prayed that Alice would turn her shit around, but he wasn't holding his breath.

After Edward checked out of the hotel, he rolled his bags through the lobby. He was driving to the airport, returning the rental car. He was waiting for the valet when his father walked up to him, looking a little worse for wear. His silvery blond hair was mussed, and he had the beginnings of a beard. Clearly, the past few days had kicked Carlisle Cullen's ass.

Edward arched a brow over his glasses, idly checking his phone to see if his flight was still on time. Thankfully, it was.

"Can we talk, Edward?" Carlisle asked.

"Thirty-three years too late, Carlisle," Edward responded. "You've made your opinion of me quite clear. I don't have anything to say to you."

"But, I do," Carlisle whispered. "I treated you horribly and I will forever regret that."

"I don't want to hear it, to be honest. You can regret whatever the fuck you want. I didn't want to follow in your footsteps, and you wrote me off. That was your choice. Yours alone. I didn't need your approval, but I was still your child," Edward hissed. "I followed my heart, and I don't regret a single decision I've made since I left for college. In time, will I be able to talk to you without wanting to punch you in the face? Possibly, but hearing this bullshit your spewing, it's not genuine. Actions speak louder than words. I'll believe that you've changed when I actually see it. When you hold yourself accountable for how you behaved and how you turned Emmett and Alice into reflections of your bigoted, biased prejudice. Now, I hope I can convince the woman I love that I'm nothing like you."

"Edward ... I know that these words mean little to you now, but all I ever wanted for you is to be happy. I can see that you are happy, being a doctor and being with Bella. She makes you shine. I hope ... that ..." Carlisle croaked, reaching out to touch his son. "I love you, Edward."

No, you don't. You're only saying that to get into Mom's good graces.

The valet arrived with Edward's SUV, and he ignored his father, sliding into the driver's side as he pressed a hefty tip into the valet's palm. He pulled away without looking back at Carlisle, who's heart shattered because his own actions that alienated Edward from the rest of his family.

The drive to the airport was a blur. Edward returned the rental, checking into his flight. At the gate, he arranged for a rental car in Phoenix and tried calling Bella, whose phone was either off or she'd blocked his number. He prayed that her phone was just off.

Upon his arrival at Sky Harbor, he ran to the car rental counter, taking the first car available. Using his phone's GPS, he drove to her apartment and jogged up to her floor. He knocked her door. "Bella? Are you there?" He knocked again.

An older woman came shuffling out of her own apartment, carrying a bag of garbage. She walked past him as he tried, fruitlessly, to see if Bella was in her apartment. After dumping her bag in the trash chute, the woman stopped before heading inside. "Bella's not there, son."

"What?" Edward barked, turning to look at the older woman. She reminded him of his Nana Cullen, if Nana Cullen was warm, friendly, and loving.

"She came home late last night, all upset," she explained. "She asked me to get her mail because she was going home to visit family."

"Family?" Edward parroted.

"Yes. Poor dear was inconsolable," she frowned. "I don't know how long she's going to be out of town, but I remember you from earlier in the week. You and Bella seemed like such a beautiful, loving couple. Whenever I saw her in the hallways or in the mailroom, she was always so withdrawn and sad. She deserves happiness. You made her happy."

"She made me happy, too," Edward whispered. "Thank you ..."

"Cope, Sherry Cope," Sherry replied.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cope," Edward said, giving her a grateful smile.

"Do you know where she's at?" Sherry asked.

"I do," Edward nodded. He walked over to the older woman, kissing her cheek. "Merry Christmas."

"You, too, sweetie," Sherry grinned, patting his cheek. She scuttled into her apartment, closing, and locking the door.

Edward quickly wrote a note, slipping it underneath the door before jogging down the steps. He got back into his rental car, driving to Sky Harbor and returning the car. Walking up to the ticket agent, he tried to get onto the next flight to Seattle, but it was full. He managed to get onto an early flight the following morning and decided to get a hotel room. He hadn't slept in almost forty-eight hours.

Falling into the king-sized bed, he set his cell phone alarm, the room alarm and asked for a wakeup call. He didn't even take off his shoes before he was snoring, completely down for the count.

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