0.2 A Continuation

15 0 0

I seriously need to stop finding children like this, Hiroto decided as he stared down at the green-haired child with shining emerald green eyes to match. His hair had white streaks in it and it almost reminded him of snow on the forest floor. He was sitting in a box with a tattered blanket and a note taped to the box, and only a black hoodie for clothing.

He knows because he checked.

"Is there any way you can give me a name to call you?" Hiroto asked, but the child only tilted his head at him as he rested his hands on the side of the box. "No? Okay... Let me see that note." He reached forward and snagged the piece of paper.

Izuku - July 15 - Blood Type O - 2 years old

"Well, that answers some questions, but it brings up more," he sighed, opening the paper and finding more writing, oh joy!

Please note his sarcasm.

His name is Izuku, he's 2 years old and his birthday is July 15th. I can't take care of him anymore, and I don't want his father to find him, even if the man claims to have changed his ways. I'm too scared that Izuku will be powerful and he'll see him with greed in his eyes instead of love.

There is no reason to try and find me, there won't be anything left to find, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Hiroto stared at the note in slight confusion. What villain had actually changed ways? What villain could cause the fear the woman had been feeling to abandon her child and kill herself?

Looking up, he found the child sucking on his thumb and, out of instinct, reached out and pulled his hand out of his mouth.

"No no, don't do that," he sighed gently. He read the note twice more before looking at the child with fondness. "Now, let's get you home, yeah?" He pushed himself up and scooped the child up into his arms, collecting the blanket and the necklace that had fallen when he picked the child up.

The necklace was a locket, shaped like a heart with a yin and yang engraved on the front. On the back was a date, by Hiroto's guess, it was a birthday. July 4. He assumed it was the mother's birthday, and the locket had been hers.

Something to remember her by, even if the child would never remember her. A gurgle of a laugh caught his attention, causing him to glance over and see Izuku reaching for the necklace.

"Yeah, let's get you home," Hiroto said, kissing Izuku's hairline and turning to walk out into the street.

As he walked, he carefully dropped the chain over Izuku's hair, letting him hold the locket itself. A small click caught his attention, and he found Izuku had opened the locket.

"Mama..." He pointed to a picture of a woman in the left frame. Beautiful as she was, she looked pregnant. Curled up on a couch, with fairy lights around her, she was holding what looked like a cup of hot chocolate, a light green and white blanket tucked up around her with the name 'Midoriya Izuku' scrawled on the edge. She seemed to be laughing at something behind the camera, and her eyes were a startling green. She looked like an angel caught on camera.

"Papa..." Hiroto looked at the right side of the locket, noticing a man with bright white hair, and startling orange eyes. He was tall, standing just shy of the door frame holding an infant in his arms, and he noticed it was the same blanket that the woman had been laying under in the other image. The man had obvious muscles, and it almost looked like he had smoke, or embers, escaping his mouth as he laughed. An infant's hands were reaching up, and he could barely make out green hair in the mess of a blanket.

For a moment, Hiroto had thought that the family would have been normal, but the woman had a silent fear that her husband would succumb to greed if her son ended up with a powerful quirk. He ruffled the boy's hair, already trying to think of legal names for the boy, names to keep him safe and under the radar of any father looking for his son.

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