0.5 Keigo Makes a Decision

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Keigo held Izuku and Hitoshi's hands firmly in his, both boys holding a list for groceries. Izuku's list had all the healthy drinks and healthy foods they were supposed to get, and Hitoshi's had all the junk food and junk drinks like soda.

"Okay, now, we go in, we get a cart, and we get all the healthy stuff first, okay?" Keigo reminded them, and both boys announced their confirmation. "Then we can go and get all the junk food. Dad said we missed some of the healthy stuff last time, so that's why we need to prioritize." Hitoshi groaned at the reminder.

"Don't remind me! That walk to go and get the rest of the stuff was torture!" Hitoshi whined, and Keigo chuckled as Izuku stuck his tongue out at the other.

"We needed the exercise, we can't stay cooped up inside all the time!" Izuku responded, "And with Daichi going to UA, we need to get out a bit more," he added.

"We do exercise! All the time! Genkei even has all our workouts pinned to the wall! And he updates them whenever we change ours!" Hitoshi wined, and Izuku snickered as he looked away. "You gave him that idea! Didn't you!" Izuku smiled innocently at the purple-haired boy.

"Eito has his own copies that he updates, and Genkei comes to our room to make sure he has his correct." Keigo snickered and Hitoshi's jaw dropped in shocked betrayal.

"If you want someone who won't do that, go to Hikaru," Izuku responded, and Hitoshi dramatically tried to let himself fall, though the red feathers that Keigo had attached to them didn't allow him to get that far.

"I'm betrayed! By my self-dubbed twin!" Hitoshi cried out, earning snickers from both Keigo and Izuku.

They fell quiet as the store came into view, and after making sure they had their lists they walked in and found a cart. Keigo carried Hitoshi on his left hip, letting Izuku help him push the cart.

"We ready, fledglings?" Keigo asked, and Izuku nodded as Hitoshi looked around the store. "Okay, we will get milk last, Eito you have the pen, right?" he asked, and Izuku pulled it out of his hoodie pocket.

"Yup! We should get anything cold near the end... Are you sure we should do healthy than junk, when we could just go aisle by aisle and get done faster?" Izuku asked, and Keigo paused as he thought about it. Izuku did have a point.

"Alright, Hibiki, you have your pen?" The purple haired boy nodded as he pulled his own out. "Alright, let's do this!"

— —

"Alright, I got most of the bags, we ready to go?" Keigo looked down to find both his brothers holding their bags close as they stared at someone. Glancing up, he noticed a man in a suit walking towards him and his mind panicked.

"Takami Keigo?" the officially dressed man asked and Keigo tilted his head to the side.

"I'm sorry, you must have the wrong person. I'm Kumo Arata," Keigo responded, and he watched as the man faltered for a moment. "Is there something I can help you with though?" He felt Hitoshi cling onto his jacket, with Izuku stepping in front of him slightly, pushing himself closer to Hitoshi.

"Oh, well you look like someone we've been searching for," the man explained, "But we could instead extend the offer to you. See, we want to train someone to become a hero, and we would love to help you become one." The offer was meant to entice, but Keigo could only feel dread and fear at the man's words.

"I'm sorry, but I plan to go to UA like my older brother," Keigo pretended to sound sorry. "Now, we have to get home before our dad worries, it honestly shouldn't have taken us this long, but we couldn't find the pocky." Keigo rolled his eyes as Izuku whined with a quiet 'hey!' and Hitoshi blushed red and hid his face in Keigo's jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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