0.4 Touya's Going Places

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Touya was panicking. He was nearing 14, meaning he was supposed to know what he wanted to be now, but he had no clue. His dad wasn't very helpful, saying that he should follow whatever was calling him. But he had no idea what was calling him.

He loved to sing, but he had no idea how to song-write. He loved to bake, but that was exclusively for his family or for the cafe. Kami, he loved the cafe but he didn't want to work there permanently.

For a second, his mind strayed back to before living with Hiroto, before the cafe and his siblings. He was created to become a hero, and he wondered how much of that was true. He didn't feel heroic.

He often thought of his biological siblings. He often thought of how he abandoned them. His sister, Fuyumi, his younger brother Natsuo, and baby Shoto. It... It almost destroyed him some days when he let himself think about it for too long. How much pain were they going through while he was here and living with his other siblings and his amazing dad?

A hand on his shoulder had him flinching in shock. He looked up and found Tenko staring at him worriedly, his gloved hands hesitating in front of him, though Touya could see that the younger really wanted to just reach out and hug him.

"Come on, let's go hang out with Kei and Izu. Izuku had a nightmare and is really clingy right now," Tenko motioned toward the door.

"Not wanting to leave the nest, does he?" Touya asked, clearing his throat as he heard how scratchy his throat had become in his mini spiral. Tenko nodded anyway, and Touya pushed himself up, grabbing his hoodie that he knew he wasn't going to wear and the zip-up at the foot of his bed.

Tenko eyed the hoodie, but Touya made no comments and Tenko didn't ask.

Slipping inside the middle brother of the three oldest children's room, Touya immediately spotted Izuku, curled up in Keigo's arms. His wings were wrapped around himself, and his head lay on Keigo's chest limply as he stared into space in front of him.

Immediately Touya tossed his hoodie at the two birds and it landed perfectly on Izuku who started and looked up.

Touya could see the bags underneath Izuku's eyes, and he wondered how many nightmares the greenette has been getting.

"Thank you," Keigo mouthed, and Touya nodded at him. He watched two feathers rush around the room, and the window creaking open as Touya and Tenko slipped into the nest, cuddling up on either side of the blonde bird.

Touya watched as Izuku unfurled his wings, immediately noting the locket around his neck, and pulled Touya's hoodie on. He watched, slightly amused, as Izuku pulled his arms in and under the hoodie while his wings wrapped back around him.

"Okay, now that little green is wrapped up and should be sleeping soon, let's chat!" Tenko was murmuring, just loud enough for the occupants in the room to hear. Izuku giggled sleepily, nuzzling into Keigo with, Touya was assuming based on Tenko's softening look, a smile.

"So, something is distressing Touya," Tenko announced, and immediately the white-haired male wilted. He was hoping they wouldn't focus on him, at least not yet.

"Wait, something's upsetting Touya?" Keigo turned to look at the other, and Izuku made a noise of distress. He pushed himself up and turned to look at the oldest brother, ironic. He's still the oldest in both situations.

"I'm... I'm fine. Mainly," Touya responded, reaching over and gently patting at Izuku's hair. The green and white hair bounced lightly as Izuku giggled. He was leaning towards Touya, and for a moment he wondered why before he suddenly had a lap of Izuku. He was quick to situate the six-year-old, wrapping his arms around the small boy and leaning against Keigo a bit more.

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