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Atl, Georgia

Atl, Georgia Kayla20

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" Goodmorning baby " I said rolling over to give nasir a kiss

" Good morning mama, you sleep good? " he asked kissing me back

" Yeah my legs still a little sore though " I frowned

" Who fault is that ? " he asked looking at me

" Yours, you the one who wanted to go rounds " I rolled my eyes looking at him

" Not my fault you can't take dick but how's the plan going? " he asked as he sat up and started rolling up

" They clueless as hell, it was easy for me to come in between Benji and kapri now I just need to get him to cut her off completely " I said confidently while smirking

" How's it going with kapri? " I continued to ask

" She not easy I know that...but she letting me in slowly...but surely " he said blowing the smoke out through his nose

" What does Kapri have to do with any of this tho? " I asked genuinely confused

" Guilty by association but he trust you yet? " he raised his eyebrow as he licked his blunt

" Working on that " I mumbled as I got a text benji

" Did he ever see you tho? " I asked opening the message


you tryna go get breakfast?

sure, where you wanna go?

waffle house at 9 ?

i'll meet you there🥰

" Who Benji ? nah " he said taking a pull from the blunt

" So he doesn't know that you Eli brother? " I asked

" Nah ian even talked to Eli since the situation happened " he said blowing out the smoke

" That just made shit a whole lot easier " I said getting up and going to the bathroom to take care of my hygiene.

I started brushing my teeth before I did my skin care routine. My lashes where already done so I didn't really have to do much besides my eyebrows and add a little lip gloss.

After I just decided to to leave my locs down I didn't feel like styling them and I walked back into the bedroom where Nyzir is.

" Where you bout to go? " he asked looking at me as I got dressed

" He asked me to meet him for breakfast, I got to make it look like I actually want him remember " I said before putting a nude tank top on.

" Mhm you look a lil too good tho " he said looking me up and down

" I'm just putting on a tank top and jeans literally " I shrugged

" I think you can be a few minutes late " he said getting up and putting me back on the bed before kissing on my neck.

" I mean traffic is always bad..." I said before kissing him back before I moaned from the feeling of him slipping inside of me.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Atl, Georgia

After Kayla left to go meet up with that bitch ass nigga I decided to text kapri to see if she wanted to come over and chill but I really wanted to see if she would talk

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After Kayla left to go meet up with that bitch ass nigga I decided to text kapri to see if she wanted to come over and chill but I really wanted to see if she would talk.



just woke up, wsp?

you tryna come over ?

yeah i'll text you when i'm otw


I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face before throwing on a white shirt and sweat pants with some air forces.

I made sure anything of kaylas was in the room and not out in the living room or anywhere kapri could see it before I closed our bedroom door right before a knock on the door.

" Hey " she said shyly before coming in and sitting on the couch all nervous

" Don't act so shy like you haven't been here before " I chuckled before closing the door and locking it

" Not to much now " she laughed as she sat her purse down and pulled out her phone

" Man get off that shi " I said while snatching her phone and putting it inside my pants

" Did you really have to put my phone there? " she asked with a straight face

" I got yo attention don't I? " I asked raising my eyebrow

" I really just- ugh " she said before sighing

" Gir- come here " I said looking her up and down

" I'm sitting right next to you " she said

I pulled her into my lap before I grabbed her by her neck and kissed her

" Yeah I definitely got yo attention now " I said before rubbing up her waist and ass before pulling her into another kiss


how y'all new year been?
any new year's resolutions?

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