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Atl, Georgia

Atl, Georgianyzir20

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" Have you lost your mind? " kapri asked me

" Mmmm I don't think so, no " I said sarcastically

" How did you get in here? " she asked slowly before backing away from me

" Your mom forgot to lock the bolt lock before she left out " I said before stepping closer to her

" Have you been watching me? " she asked shocked

" I guess we can call it that but most people use the term stalking " I said before grabbing her by her neck and pushing her into the wall behind her

" What did I do to you? I have nothing to do with what happens between you and benji " she said in between coughing and choking

" He killed my girlfriend so I'm just returning the favor " I chuckled as I put a rag over her mouth while holding it there as she passed out

Atl, Georgia

Atl, GeorgiaKapri19

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Everything that happened within the last twenty four hours replayed in my head as my eyes were closed. Between me being in benji's room looking down at him and lay and I in eli's room just to end up being kidnapped by nyzir.

I opened my eyes and everything around me was blurry and moving in slow motion. I tried to get up but that's when I noticed I was chained up, before I could continue to look around to try and figure out where I was I herd footsteps and just laid back down.

I herd nyzir and what sounded like kayla taking

" Why would you kidnap her and bring her here? " she whispered yelled

" You acting like you had a better idea. What else did you do to help with the plan other than pop yo pussy? " he said

damn that's kinda rough and harsh

" You told me to do whatever that was needed to get the job done, so I did. " she said

" And you couldn't think of anything else other than using yo pussy? not even your head? "

" Wait I forgot you used that too " He said before I herd the door slam as he walked closer to where I was before pouring water on me

I jumped up very quickly as well as sobered up from what ever he made me inhale

" So your awake " he said while looking at me as I stared back at him

" Don't think i'm so evil, I didn't forget your breakfast " he said as he grabbed a sandwich and some water out the refrigerator and putting it right in front of me

" You can eat or don't eat, it doesn't hurt me but I know you're probably a little confused, so let me do the honors of catching you up " he said before grabbing a chair and sitting down in front of me

" I had a girlfriend named kira who was killed by your bestfriend, she looked just like you in all honesty " he said looking directly at me

" She was everything to me, I had known her since we were in kindergarten. She was always so quiet and shy " he said

" As we got older she found out that her mom wasn't really her birth mother, it was her adopted mother. " he continued

" She was shocked but that didn't change the way she felt about her adopted mom, but that didn't
stop her from wanting to get to know her birth mother "

" She eventually found her, here in georgia which was surprising for the both of us. She set up a time and a place to meet and talk to her, but what she didn't know is that she was a identical twin "

" The day kira and her mom was supposed to meet she happen to see the two of you out together and she was livid. More so because her mother chose to give her up and not you " he said letting out a sigh

" She came back to me a crying mess that night, me being the good boyfriend I am, I wanted to make her feel better. I had a whole night planned for us. Kira never knew I was in the streets nor how deep I was, I kept all of that away from her. "

" Till that night, before me and benji been going at each other for a brick. That night I let my guard down and wanted to do something special for kira, benji pulled up to the light aimed at me but missed and shot her, she bled out right next to me " he said as he stood up walking out the room

I'm a twin?.....

Thoughts ?

Nyzir & kayla?

Kapri being a twin?

Benji killing kapri's twin?

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