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Atl, Georgia
Benji "ghost"

Atl, Georgia Benji "ghost"21

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" Man do you have ringing going on in your ears still ? " eli asked

" No and maybe it's because you not supposed to moving around yet either " I said

" Man I'm grown ash I don't need to listen to them, I know my damn body "

" Coming from the nigga that got ringing in his ears but what's going on with the niggas that shot is ? " I asked getting back to business

" You act like you won't dead two days ago but we haven't heard nothing from them and the block clear " he responded

" So you mean to tell me these niggas still breathing " I asked on the phone with eli

" They went off the grid I mean like completely ghost not to mention nobody had heard from pri " he added

" When was the last time you talk to her or seen her? " I asked

" The night everything went down " he said

" So you mean to tell me you haven't heard from her in 3 days ? " I asked sarcastically

" Yea I asked lay has she heard from her and she said no

the fuck do you mean- I'll call you back " I said as I got into my car and drove to kapri house

Once I got there I walked up to the door and noticed it was already unlocked so I opened it and looked around.

Everything appeared normal until I walked upstairs to her room and seen the food all over the floor.

I walked out the house and called nyzir

" Talk " he said as he answered

Atl, Georgia

Atl, GeorgiaKapri19

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I've been in this place for 3 days now... I think. I've learned a lot about the people around me and I'm beyond shocked, appalled and disgusted with things that's been going on.

Not to mention i've been missing days of my lectures and I need to pass this exam, it's possibility I could fail just because of my attendance.

It's always the people closest to you smh...

I heard the door unlock to the room I was in so I just stared off into space as I prepared for him to walk in

" How's it been going girlfriend ? " he asked as he came and sat down in the chair in front of me

" Don't you have a girlfriend? She don't be wondering where you at ? " I asked

" I do and she right in front of me " He said smiling

" I'm talking about kayla slow one " I said

" Nah, she was just a pawn so I could get to benji " I said relaxing

" Mm, so tell me more about my sister " I said

" She look just like you, I see her every time I look at you " He said touching my hair

" Everything about you reminds me of her honestly, the hair, the smile, the face, the laugh, and let's not even get started on the body lord knows " he said looking me up and down

he went to touch my thighs but he stopped when his phone started ringing

" Talk " he said

Thoughts ?

So how y'all been?

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