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"Oppa can you stay with me" I don't know what came into my mind. It just went out.

"S-sure" he stuttered.

"It's fine if you find it uncomfortable" I said to him.

"No, you need someone. I'm fine as long as you're fine" he said following me inside.

"Thanks" I said smiling weakly.


I was surprised at what she said. If I Jungkook had come and not me he was the one that is supposed to be in my place right now. I'm not regretting it or anything I was actually surprisingly happy. I felt my heart flutter every time she calls me oppa and now when she asked me to stay with her. What's wrong with me. I don't want to make the same mistake again before. She used me.

"Oppa sit first. Open the tv if you want. I'll just get us snacks." She said going to the kitchen.

I followed what she said and opened the tv. I saw a couple of movies on the rack. I got the ring 3. It was one of my favorite movies. I placed it and waited for Danie to come back before I played it. She came back with a bowl of chips and popcorn.

"Oppa you like scary movies?" There is my heart again pounding hard like there is no tomorrow.

"Yeah. You?" I said getting some chips.

"Well it's fine but I get scared easily." She said looking down. Aww cute.

"Let's watch?" I said then played it.

We sat close to each other while eating the food she prepared.

"Oppa tell me when samara (A/N: Samara is the name of the girl in the movie if you haven't watched it) isn't there anymore" she said hiding in my chest. I bet she's hearing my heart beat go fast right now.

"She not there anymore" I said when samara was right in front of the screen.

"AHHH" She screamed when she looked. She went back into my chest and hugged my tight while clutching onto my shirt.

"Yah! W-wae?" I asked in between my laugh. I was laughing so hard starting from the start cause of Danie.

"Yah! Oppa! It's not funny! You made me look when she was right in front of the screen she was really scary!" She said when she let go of me and crossed her arms and placed it on her chest and pouted like a little girl. Wow she's cute.

The movie ended and i turned the tv off.

"Oppa i'll just take a shower." She said and I nodded.

She went in her room and took a shower there. I went to the other washroom and turned the faucet on. Unfortunately, there wasn't any water so I need to take a shower in the washroom she's using now.

I went in her room. I placed my clothes on her bed. I looked at the picture frames on the table. It was her and Taehyung. They were really happy. Next to it was her and her family. She looks a lot like her mom. this her father? He looks really familiar. Ahh! He's the dad of hyung. Wait the dad of hyung? So they're siblings? But this isn't hyung's mom. They have such a comlicated family.

Just then Danie went out of the bathroom in just shorts and a tee. Her hair down dried by her blower but still a bit damp. I was amazed by how pretty she was I didn't realize I was staring at her.

"Oppa something wrong?" She asked me taking a step toward me. I stepped back. God Jimin get a hold of yourself.

"N-no i-i'm fine. I'll just take a shower" I rushed to the washroom and locked the door.

God Jimin she has a boyfriend. Stop it. Well I need payback. Get ready Danie i'll be right back.

I took a shower and thought of a great plan. I made my hair and body still damp with little droplets of water. I tied the towel around my waist and went put side.

I saw Danie sitting on her bed combing her hair with a book on her lap. She was about to say something to me but turned away in an instant when she saw me. Well no one can resist my abs. I took a step forward not making any noise as possible.

"Y-yah! Oppa! Put your clothes on!" She said throwing my clothes to me.

"Put it on me." I said throwing the clothes back. She looked at me resisting to look at my body.

"W-what are you saying." She said

"I said put it on me" I said getting closer to her.

"Oppa this isn't funny" she said getting off her bed. I went off the bed as well.

"Well, you're right cause i'm not joking" I said locking our gazes.

"Oppa" She leaned back until she reached the wall.

"Ran out of places to go?" I said in my most husky voice. I trapped her in my arms.

"Jimin" she said still with a surprised look on her face.

"AHHHHH" I took of the towel on my waist.

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