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The other members were already sleeping. But I couldn't sleep cause I was hungry. Not just hungry but very hungry. I exited out bedroom - mine and Jungkook's - I got my coat from the couch and my wallet. I went out of the dorm .

I'm now waiting for the crossing light to turn green when I see Danie at the other side of the street. I'm a hundred percent sure it's Danie. With her favorite coffee drink, favorite red coat , and brown combat boots; It's seriously Danie. The lights turn green and I just stare at her. She blinked then our contact got ruined. She started to walk and I did the same. I stopped in the middle of the road making her stop in her tracks as well. She continued to walk too.

When I reached the end of the road, I felt a pang of regret. Why didn't I talk to her? Why did I leave her there? I turned around to call her but she was no where to be found.I felt my shoulders drop. I went back home, my head hanging low.

I went in the dorm seeing all the the guys awake in their bed hair. They seemed to be looking for me. Oh yeah, I forgot to leave a note. I didn't mind them and just continued to my room. I feel really stupid. Why didn't I talk to her?

"Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!" I said hitting myself for every word. I plop down on my bed thinking of what should've happened if I talked to her.


I'm back in my room, thinking about the scene that happened earlier. Why does he have to stop beside me? Was he going to say something to me? I was actually pretty surprised back there it made me stop to. But when I realized I stopped, I continued then ran home. That was the worst decision I ever made. I felt a huge regret when I came home. But it was too late to talk to him. He was probably home already. Why was I waiting for him tot talk to me when I could talk to him.

"Stupid! Stupid!" I let out a heavy sigh as I jump up and down on my bed in anger.I covered myself with my blanket like a sushi. I closed my eyes taking my mind off of everything then in a split second, I fell asleep.


Lying in bed, staring in the ceiling, my arms behind my head - the usual pose of Kim Taehyung - I then felt myself feeling a bit heavy inside. I jolted myself up. I ran around the room trying to lighten myself up. I rant to my side of the bed and the other. I ran to Jungkook's side of the bed then the oth--

"AHH" I let out a slight scream when I tripped on something. I looked at what I tripped on. It was a medium sized plain Black box, peeping out of Jungkook's bed.

I got it carefully not making a single sound. I opened it and was surprised at what I saw. It was pictures of him and Danie. They had one in school, in the park, while they're playing and a lot more. I started tearing up. Does Jungkook like her this much? Does he like her this much that he'll keep pictures of him and her. I took deep breathes to keep myself from crying. I feel so stupid to kick her out the last time. I need to make it up to her. I'll need to talk to her in school. Help her in her homeworks in Starbucks like before. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.

"Hyung can I come in?" Jungkook asked from the other side of the door. I opened the locked door for him but plopped back down to bed. He sat on his bed and just looked at me. I'm not looking at him though. I just see him at the corner of my eye.

"Where have you been?" He suddenly asked.

"I bought something" I said raising the bag of Ramen that I forgot to leave on the kitchen table.

"You should've left a note. We were all worried" He said getting a book from his side table.

"Yeah sorry I forgot" I said.

"So are you okay now?"

"Yeah i'm--- wait how'd you know?!" I sat up surprised at his question.

"Oh come on! I'm your best friend. You never leave just because you're hungry. And plus there's ice cream in the fridge. You usually fill yourself up with ice cream." He said. Oh. I didn't actually thought of checking the fridge.

I let out a loud sigh and said "okay fine. Yeah there were a lot of things in my head." I said, sulking.

"What's bothering you? Come one tell me i'm your best friend" He said

"It's just that, why would I forget Danie if she's that important to me? I mean yeah my memories were selected but why is Danie part of it?" I said trying to make a point

"I'm wondering about that too. The doctor said that you only forgot the memories that left a sad impression or memory of someone you're hiding something to." He said making random hand gestures.

"But Danie didn't make me sad and I'm not hiding anything from Danie either" I said getting a bit confused at what is happening.

"You're right" He said.



I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I did my morning routine. I wore my uniform and got my backpack then went downstairs. Seeing a very surprising scene.

"You're up early" I said to oppa who was cooking our breakfast.

"I wanted to make something for breakfast" he said giving his full attention to what he's doing.

"What are you making?" I asked while walking towards him. 

"You'll see" he said smirking at me.

"Arraseo. Make it fast okay? I'm hungry" I said pouting at him.

"How would I say no to that?" He said and we laughed a bit.

I went to the mirror in the living room and started to fix my hair. I'm french braiding my hair.

"When we go home let's pass by the dorm first i'll just get my stuff and you can help me unpack when we get back." He said. Oppa is transferring already!!

"Ne~" I said happily.

"Come here! Let's eat" he said. I tied my hair and went to the table.

"Mashita!" I said getting a spoonful of it.

"Jinjja? It's sausage with kimchi" he said.

"Jongmal!" I said with my mouth full. He chuckled at my expression.

"Arraseo arraseo. Now eat" he said smiling at me.

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