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"NUGUYA?!" I shouted.

"Ah i thought you were a thief" she said

"Hah i'm a thief in my own house?" I said

"Annyeonghaseyo alex ibnida" she said and bowed 90 degrees in respect.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Mulugesoyo" she shrugged and went straight to the guest room.

Eh? She doesn't know? Omo! It couldn't be!

"Guys let's go" Rap mon said we all understood what he said. It's cool because we know what each other is thinking.

We rode the car and went to big hit building.

"Manager hyung!" Rap mon shouted and called his attention.

"Ahh ne?" He said approaching us.

"Who's alex?" Rap mon asked.

"EH? NUGU?" Manager hyung said while looking at his phone.

Oh great we shouldn't have left the house. We ran back to the car and hurried to go back to the dorm.

"YAH! PALI!" Rap mon said.

"It's okay we're going to be there." Jin hyung said.

We arrived at the house and eh? Everything is in place. We went in and not a single thing is misplaced.

"Yah hyung we all thought of the same thing right?" Jimin said

"Sasaeng" the rest of us said.

"Yah! Why did you guys leave me here?!" Alex said coming out if the recording room.

"What did you do in there" Rap mon said pointing to the recording room.

"I was looking for you guys. Wae?" She said

"You sure?" Rap mon said as he was walking slowly to the room.

"Ne! Look at it yourself" she said pointing to the room.

All of us went rushing in the room. It was completely clean. The way we left it.

"What do you think of me? A sasaeng? Well i'm not" she said.

"Then why are you here?" I said

"Okay. There is a new girl group in big hit and i'm one of their members. Your manager told me to stay here and the rest of the members will stay at different dorms of different idols of different companies. Don't tell your manager I told you this. Or else he'll kill me." She said.

"Omo! Chukahaeyo" v said being the friendly one in the group.

"Aww gomawo." She sai returning the hug that v gave.

"Are you sure you're part of a new girl group?" Rap mon said still not buying her statement.

"Of course i'm sure." She said with confidence.

"What's your group name then" Is he really not going to stop.

"Dangerous" she said.

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