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{ desire pov }📍Sugarhill, Harlem NY⏰: january 6th 2023

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📍Sugarhill, Harlem NY
⏰: january 6th 2023

it's currently 7:45pm on a friday, i started school already and i have new friends. obviously. i haven't seen dd, ddot, or kaydee in a week because of school, missing them like a bitch. yesterday eva told me that dd is TALKING to crystal. shit mad me mad because we been friends for mad long and this nigga didnt tell me shit.

I just finished getting ready for a video with noti. just what ddot told me, a nigga never comes alone sooo i invited ddot to come with me..

"was good nigga" i said opening the passenger door while ddot opens the back seat door. "i told you to come alone, whyd u bring ddot" noti said looking back and looking at the camera.

"because a nigga never comes alone, now shut the fuck up and start the video" ddot mugged noti causing me to laugh.

"i already did. who you telling to shut up? you a littleeee boyyyy" notti said dragging out his words and getting into ddot face.

"yo back the fuck up." me and ddot said at the same time, pushing noti away.

"alright, tell them how old you areeeee. are why are your eyes red?" noti dragged out his words again looking at me.

"nigga why you asking so many questions, you already know we 17." ddot said obviously joking about the last part. "why are you lyingggg, stop lying before i call the opps" noti replied and looking at us to see our reactions even though he is going to regret saying that.

"nigga what." me and ddot yelled, slapping him and ddot started pulling his shirt causing me to laugh.

"ay my bae, jaysss birthday is tomorrowww." i said tryna change the conversation to another topic.

"jayklickin is not ur bae... ddosamaaaa isssss." noti dragged out AGAIN and getting in my face.

"nigga no the fuck hes not, ion even know him anymore." i said pushing noti away causing him to sit back down.

when the video ended, noti drove us home. ddot went to his house and i went to mine. obviously. we had to get ready for jays party which is going to be at 11pm-??. it was kind of like a block party but just with his friends. then for his actual birthday, hes just going to have something with his family.

its currently 9:21pm and im laying in bed texting a group chat.

isaiah - ziah
eva - eva 🤍
alexis - lex 😍
jalen - jalen
desiree - des
chris - chris

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