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THE WATER WAS COOL as it brushed against her skin, Tsa'tvayi grinning as she dived deeper into the ocean, fish swimming besides her. Sunlight pierced the calm waters and left streaks dancing in the water, a calming silence pressing against her ears.

An ilu swam besides her, each flutter of its fins feeling like a tickle against the pale blue of her skin. Tsa'tvayi smoothed a hand over its smooth skin and pushed upwards until her head broke the surface. Immediately, the sound of her clan met her ears.

She turned, the sun hit against her brow, and waved back at Tsireya, the younger girl running past the sand and diving into the water. Letting out a laugh, Tsa'tvayi joined her under the water, the two girls grinning brightly as they searched the sand for shells.

'Look here,' Tsireya signed as she dug through the sand and pulled out a pale shell that seemed to shine in the water.

Tsa'tvayi felt her eyes widening as she reached forward and touched the shell, her fingers running over the ridges. 'It's so beautiful,' she signed back.

'Do you think Ao'nung will make me a bracelet?' Tsireya turned back to look at the shell, her eyes filled with wonder as it glowed under the light, it's color similar to that of Tsireya's skin.

Nodding, Tsa'tvayi reached for the sand again, her eyes scanning for pearls to braid into her hair. The girls were startled out of the peaceful moment by the Metkayina horn going off, the two sharing startled glances before swimming back up.

Tsa'tvayi squinted as she raised a hand over her brows and scanned for the intruders. She could see nothing on land, her people beginning to gather on the sand. Then, the water rippled as a strong gust of wind blew her hair back.

She watched, mouth gaping, as an ikran flew over her head, then three more followed. The beasts landed quickly in the sand, the na'vi dismounting, before letting out a shriek and taking off into the air.

This time, Tsa'tvayi did not hesitate before diving back under the water, her body moving fluidly as she swam back to the shore as quickly as possible. She could feel Tsireya at her heels, but didn't stop until the water was too shallow to swim.

She slipped out of the water, her eyes pressed on Olo'eyktan and Tsahik. Tsa'tvayi blinked, her head turning to Tsireya as a small giggle left the younger girl. She watched the girl raise a bashful hand to cover her mouth, her eyes casted to the shore.

Tsa'tvayi turned back to the arriving na'vi and had to hold back a smile of her own as she watched one of the boys gazing at Tsireya.

Grinning, she tugged on Tsireya's hand and pulled her to where the others of their claim had gathered. Her friend took over once they arrived, this time pulling Tsa'tvayi with her to stand besides Ao'nung.

He threw them a quick glance, his eyes scanning over them as if to make sure everything was alright, before turning back to the family. Rotxo stood besides them, the to boys whispering under their breaths before a laugh escaped Ao'nung.

She flicked her eyes back to the family before her, the younger boy greeted her, his hand sweeping over his brow before flicking over to her, Tsa'tvayi returned to greeting before doing the same to the older of the two boys.

He greeted her back, Oel ngati kameie, before nodding once and turning back to where Tsahik Ronal and the older female na'vi were hissing at each other.

"Toruk Makto and his family will stay with us." Tsa'tvayi turned, her tail wrapping around her leg as she listened to Olo'eyktan Tonowari speak. "Treat them as our brothers and sisters."

He turned to stare at them all and she fought the urge to flich away from his stare. "They do not know the sea, so they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways," he turned back to the family, "so they do not suffer the same of being useless."

Tsa'tvayi watched as the younger of the two boys gave a small flinch before his jaw set, the older one pressing a hand against his younger brother's neck.

Toruk Makto sigh in relief as he placed the girl in his arms down. "What do we say?"

"Thank you," they replied slowly, their voices unharmonized as some muttered and others grinned.

Tsa'tvayi met eyes with the youngest girl, a bright smile on her dark face. She marveled over the coloring of her skin and the markings that decorated her. Smiling softly, she waved at the kid.

"My son, Ao'nung, and my daughter, Tsireya, will show your children what to do." She blocked out the sound of Ao'nung's complaints, instead turning to face her friend.

Tsireya kept her hand on Tsa'tvayi's wrist and turned to smile at the family. "Please, follow us." Tsireya grabbed one of their packs and handed it to Tsa'tvayi before reaching for another. "We will show you to your new home."

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