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TSA'TVAYI RAN A HAND down her face as she walked through the village, the muscles of her legs tight as she fought the bounce of the floor. The sound of the water crashing against the shoreline rang in the air like a lullaby, the girl humming softly as she approached the Olo'eyktan's pod. Through the darkness, she could see the light's flickering inside the pod and sped up.

If Ao'nung was weaving, he'd appreciate the shells she carried.

Reaching the entry, Tsa'tvayi poked her head inside. She could see the Tsahik reclining comfortably besides her son, who was hunched over a small loom, his brows furrowed in concentration. Coughing lowly, she waited for the pair to notice her.

"Tsa'tvayi." Waved the Tsahik. "Come inside. Come."

Tsa'tvayi didn't hesitate before stepping into the home, one of the largest in Metkayina, and greeting the Tsahik.

"I see you, Tsahik" she greeted, her hand brushing past her brow and done the bridge of her nose before flicking outward. "I see you, Ao'nung."

Tsahik returned the greeting before turning her attention back to her son, Tsa'tvayi quickly approaching and dropping down to kneel besides him. She didn't let him speak before extending her hand and dropping the shells besides him, the dim light catching the multitude of colors. The boy didn't look up as he weaved the seaweed- a very specific kind that took hours to find and was the best choice for weaving.

Tsa'tvayi didn't interrupt him, instead sitting patiently besides them as the silence lulled her into an almost sleep-like state despite the fact that she was very well awake. She loved those moments, when se sat within the Olo'eyktan's family as if it was her own, when they opened their arms and embraced her in their home. Moments that she cherished every night as the sound of the water lulled her to sleep.

Ao'nung let out a small groan as the seaweed in his hands ripped, his head dropping in defeat before he turned to glance at the shells she had deposited besides him. He blinked before turning to her and turning back to the shells. Carefully, he reached out a hand and picked one up, a blue shell that resembled his skin and had small bioluminescent spots- Tsahik, had come to mind when she had spotted it.

"These are beautiful," he gaped, his eyes wide as he raised the shell to catch the light. "Mother, look."

The Tsahik leaned forward from her position and reached for the shell in Ao'nung's hands. Tsa'tvayi could see the shock that traveled over her face as she inspected the shell. "Where did you find these?" Her voice was filled with wonder as she ran her fingers over the item.

Tsa'tvayi could feel herself blushing and quickly looked away from the pair. "I was searching this morning, before we started working with the Omitikaya family." She waved her hand at the shell and continued, "It was glowing in the water and I thought Tsahik would like it."

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