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TSA'TVAYI SHIFTED ON THE MAT, her grip tight around Neteyam's hand. The rest of the family was strewn around them, their eyes shut as they allowed themselves a moment to rest. The alien boy- Spider, they called him- laid further away from the family, his back to a wall. She could see the tears on his face even through his mask and, despite everything, couldn't stop herself from feeling bad.

He was a child in the same way that they all were. Tsa'tvayi could argue that Neteyam didn't deserve the life he had lived, yet the alien boy was younger and she placed blame on him. She had not forgiven him but she could one day come to.

A couple of days had passed since the incident, the boy occasionally letting out small hums before returning to a deep sleep. She'd taken a permanent position in his family's pod, her eyes always flickering to his body.

Her ears flickered as he let out a groan, her eyes immediately snapping to his face and watching as his brows furrowed. She lent forward and bit her tongue in expectation as his eyes fluttered, once, twice, then opened.

She felt a wave of relief crash over her, a smile overtaking her face. His eyes were dazed at first, but he blinked and then began looking around the room. Then their eyes met, and Tsa'tvayi wanted to crash forward and wrap her arms tightly around him.

He was alive.

"Neteyam," she whispered, as she shuffled closer and pressed a hand to his face. "You are awake."

He smiled softly and blinked. "Ma'Vayi."

Her ears flicked back as she turned her head away to hide the blush on her face. Tsa'tvayi had noticed the added endearment to her name, but the situation hadn't allowed her to really think about it. Now, she had fight back the smile that threatened to expose her.

Neteyam wrapped a hand around her wrist and gave her a weak tug, Tsa'tvayi's head snapping to him immediately. He was grinning at her, the freckles on his face alight.

"What is it?" She whispered as he tugged on her hand again.

The boy blinked softly, smile still on his face, "Come," he tugged again. "Lay down with me."

Tsa'tvayi's eyes widened at his words, her brows furrowing. "You are injured, Neteyam."

Neteyam tugged once again. "And you are my mate, Tsa'tvayi. You will not allow me the comfort of my mate?" His eyes seemed to sparkle in the darkness of the pod, Tsa'tvayi's heart skipping a beat in her chest.

He was teasing her, his hand warm around her wrist. Tsa'tvayi comforted herself with the idea that he didn't seem upset about her actions, didn't appear to hate her for the decision she had taken from him.

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