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"I SEE YOU." TSA'TVAYI greeted Tsahik as she stepped into the pod. The older woman was fluttering around the area as she prepped to mark her. Small jars of ink littered the floor, a couple of teeth- alula, ilu, and something from a smaller fish- glinted harshly under the sunlight.

Tsa'tvayi's heart fluttered at the sight of the sharp tools, excitement swelling inside of her. She could feel the moment Neteyam connected the dots, his body tensing besides her as he inhaled sharply.

She threw him a quick glance, the boy's reaction confusing her slightly. His ears were pressed tightly against the sides of his head, his eyes narrowed on the tools that Tsahik had laid out. Tsa'tvayi's tail brushed against his back lightly as she urged him to turn to her.

When his golden eyes met her, she cocked a brow. 'What's wrong?' There was no need for the words to leave her lips, Neteyam understanding her quickly.

He didn't respond, instead shaking his head pursing his lips as his tail curled around her leg. Tsa'tvayi looked at him for another moment before turning away and stepping closer to Tsahik, Neteyam flowing close behind her as he kept his tail on her thigh.

"Congratulations, Tsa'tvayi." Tsahik had a small smile on her face, Tsa'tvayi grinning back widely.

"Thank you, Tsahik. I am grateful to Eywa for allowing me this, even if the circumstances were disgraceful."

Despite the excitement that came with being allowed the markings of the Metkayina, Tsa'tvayi wished it hadn't come with the risk of Lo'ak losing his life. Still, she knew it was a rare occurrence where a member of the clan was welcomed for warrior training because they saved a life- not many endangered themselves in their own land, it was the behavior of skxwangs and they were better left for dead.

It was not advised to risk ones life for who with no common sense. Fortunately, Lo'ak had been abandoned outside of the reef, he had not made the decision willingly. If he had, Tsa'tvayi would not have been allowed to search for him.

It was the way of Metkayina.

"Come." Tsahik waved her over and instructed the girl to lay on flat on her stomach, Tsa'tvayi's eyes widening in shock.

"My markings will be on my back?" The words fell from her lisp numbly. "Not my arm?"

Arm markings signified shielding, they were specific to hunters of the clan. Back markings, on the other hand, were rarely seen. Only left to the strongest and bravest of the clan- to the Olo'eyktan and the best warriors.

They were not easily earned.

Tsahik hummed in response as she waved her over once again. "Olo'eyktan has decided. You have saved Toruk Makto's son on your own during eclipse. You were injured as you left and injured as you came but you kept the boy awake and alive." Tsahik picked up a needled bone as Tsa'tvayi laid carefully on the ground and placed her head on her crossed arms, Neteyam sitting besides her with his knee pressed against her arm. "You returned a child to his family, safe. You did what Ao'nung failed to do as future leader of Metkayina."

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