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Once we arrive at the station, Skipper and Aaron lead us into a closed off office. Everyone sits down except Aaron who stays standing.

"I apologise for keeping this from you. However, I made a promise to the head of the secret service that I would not tell you" He starts and everyone looks concerned.

"As you all know, Y/n used to be in the secret service"
"Well someone else in this room was too" He says and everyone's gaze turns to Skipper
"Hello, My real name is Ralph Skipper, but everyone calls me skipper. I was one of Y/n's colleagues" He says and everyone turns confused to me. I see JJ has her mouth open.

"The unsub we are looking for, he is an ex agent. Both myself and Y/n have met him before. You were called here because the head of the service, my boss, Is on another mission"
"Now the reason we are telling you now is because Y/n vouched that you were all the most qualified for this mission" He says and I see Reid and Garcia smile at me.

"So... do you have any more information?" Derek asks
"Well Y/n has a theory, Y/n?" Aaron says and I speak up
"Well I was wondering that maybe, as he's an ex agent. That he could have someone working on the inside for him"
"Forgive me Skipper..." Derek starts and he nods
"But how are you sure he isn't the one helping them?" Derek asks and I nod

"I understand why you might think that as he's in charge... but me and skipper went though the whole service together. We joined on the same day and were inseparable until I left. I can put it on my own life that he would never betray the service" I say and Derek nods
"Thank you" Skipper mouths to me and I nod at him.

"This hopefully makes your investigation easier" Aaron says, the attention focusing back on him.
"Any questions about the unsub, feel free to either ask myself or y/n" Skip says and Aaron dismisses everyone and they all get back to their separate jobs.

I pull out the file on the unsub and begin searching through it again. I search through the details. He was 23 when he joined the Service under the supervision of A man named Noah Huxley. I think about the name and nothing comes to mind. I stand up with the file and go to find Skip. I knock on his office and hear him tell me to come in. I walk in and shut his door before walking to his desk.

"Do you know him?" I ask and I place the file in front of him. He places his hand on his face as he studies the name.
"Yes we both know him" He says and I furrow my brows
"I don't recognise the name" I say and he nods
"That's because he never used his real name, I can't remember his code one but he's the shady guy who tried to overpower Fields" He says and I gasp in realisation.

"Shit... Skip don't you remember how he got so far in doing that?" I ask and he shakes his head
"He threatened to release the names of agents!" I say and he opens his mouth in realisation.
"So he has the potential to be our guy" He says and I nod
"I'll get Hotch and Rossi" I say and he nods before I walk out of his room in a rush. I search for Hotch and Rossi and see them both talking to a police officer.

"Dave" I say and he looks at me
"Y/n? Are you okay?" He asks and Aaron also looks at me concerned
"I'm fine, Me and Skip think we have the unsubs accomplice" I say and the both look at each other before following me into Skips office.

"Agents" Skip greets them as they stand opposite him.
"One day, roughly 7 years ago, Myself and Y/n were undercover on a mission..." He starts
"We had just got back and found our boss, Fields, Completely stressed out. As we were close, we confronted her and asked her what was wrong"

"She told us that an agent was threatening to release agents names and personal information if she didn't get taken down a rank"
"That same guy... He's the one who was supervising our unsub" I finish and they both nod

"So you're certain?" Aaron asks
"Not certain, but if i had to guess out of agents... I'd say he was our best bet" I say and he nods again
"Okay, I'll get Garcia to do some research" He says as he leaves. Rossi stares at me before he walks closer to me.

"Can we talk? Alone?" He asks and I nod before saying goodbye to Skipper and following Rossi
"Is everything okay?" I ask as I shut the door of an empty office
"I was going to ask you the same thing" He says
"I know you always ride with Hotch, and yesterday you rode with me. You also seem really stressed, which isn't like you on a case" He says and I smile at him

"Thank you Dave, I'm fine honestly, Hotch was just in a bad mood yesterday and I thought you would be better company" He nods understandably
"And about the stress, It's just... coming back is so surreal" I say and she smiles at me
"I know... you just have to push through, everything is going to be alright... I promise" He says and I smile at him
"Thanks Dave, Is this our thing now? Checking on eachother on every case" I joke and he laughs

"Not to make myself sound old!" He says sternly and I laugh
"But I see you as a daughter" He says and I smile at him
"You're more... cool uncle than dad" I smile and he grins
"I'll take that any day" He laughs and I copy him

"We better get back before Hotch sends out a search party for us" He smiles and I shake my head
"You've actually got a point there" I say and that makes him laugh again as we walk outside the office.
I see a concerned Garcia march up to us.

"Y/n! I've been looking everywhere for you" She says
"Sorry Pen, what is it?"
"It's your unsubs partner... I looked into recent card transactions and he purchased a small county house... Five miles from any civilisation" She says and nod before calling Aaron. He picks up on the second ring.

"Y/n? Is everything okay?" He asks 
"Hotch, You're on speaker with penelope... She thinks we have an address for our unsub" I say and I hear his car start
"I'm on my way" He says and the phone goes silent and he puts the phone down

"Thank you Pen" I smile and she pulls me in for a bone crunching hug
"It's my pleasure to help" She says and I hug her back
"Oxygen" I say and she pulls away
"I'm so sorry... I get too excited sometimes" She says and I laugh

"That's okay, just not so tight next time" I say and she smiles at me
"Anything for you my little flower petal"

Five minutes later we're all placing on our FBI vests and grabbing our guns. Aaron walks through the door and looks at us all before he grabs his vest too. He walks over to me.
"Sorry I took so long" He says
"Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine" he says as he tightens his vest

"We found where the unsub is" I say and he nods
"I know, good work" He replies
"You ready?" Emily says
"Yeah, let's go" I say and I follow her, Aaron not far behind me.

"Reid, Y/l/n. You're with me" Rossi says and Reid follows him, I feel Aaron's hand on my arm and turn to him.
"Stay safe, please" He says and I give him a small smile
"You too" I say as i walk after Reid and Rossi.

"What are the possibilities that the unsub knows we're coming?" Reid asks
"Low, only us and Skip know that we know" I say and he nods
"At least we have the element of surprise on our side" Rossi says as he turns the corner to the house.

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