1. Toska

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⚠️TW!!! Homophobia, someone telling someone to off themselves, mentions of sh, and strong language⚠️ (holy crap, that's a lot of TWs)


He sighed to himself as he walked to school, kicking the tiny pebbles scattered across the pavement.

You see, yesterday his mom yelled at him. This wasn't anything new though for her. But it's taken a huge toll on his overall well-being.

With Matt, at first glance, you'd see just some scrawny kid. But the things you'd see if you looked closer would be his deep eye bags that make his eyes stand out, his rather large, pointed ears, and his small complexion.

But the things that only Matt sees are too well-hidden for anyone to see. The scars that line his thighs, the bruises on his knees, damaged fingernails, and the lines of his ribcage that are visible on his chest.

But nobody sees him anyway, so it doesn't matter. Nobody even knows he's there.

He rubs his hand against his eye as he tries to wake himself up before he gets to school.

His bag slung over his shoulder, is filled with notebooks and folders that he knows he doesn't even need.

Still kicking the rocks as he shuffles his feet, he turns the corner that leads to his school, Glandis.

Titan, I hate this place.

He rolled his eyes as he passed Bria and her group of friends sitting on the stairs.

The thing about Bria, she doesn't care about anyone. She's managed to get a rather large portion of the school right at the tip of her fingers, they'll do anything she wants, whenever she wants, to whoever she wants.

It would be an understatement to say that she made Matt's life a living hell.

Matt speed-walked to his first class, weaving in-between people and friend groups. He walked into his first class, history of magic, and sat in the back like he always does.

He watches as the other students file into the classroom as he mindlessly stares around the room. The teacher gets ready to start the class, but Matt's mind doesn't want anything to do with school. He just wants to go home.

He doesn't even want to go there either, it hasn't been home since...

He shakes his head to stop his train of thought and scolds himself silently. Instead, he gets out his notebook and starts doodling.

His pencil glides across the paper in small, uniform strokes. He isn't even sure what he's drawing until he stops. In the corner of his page was an anatomically accurate heart, which was strange because he drew it from memory.

He ended up staring at it, lost again in his mind. The bell rang, snapping him back to reality as he quickly packed up his things and went to his next class.

The whole school day passes by in an uneventful fog. He swiftly walks to the exit of the school. He was just out of the door when he suddenly heard someone say, "Hey Mattholomule, where are you going?"

Great... it's Bria.

Fuck my life and put it in a blender

He turns around and watches her walk up to him, menace in her eyes.

"What do you want Bria" he asks in a blanket, monotonous voice.

"I want you to get out of this school"

"That's what I was doing. I was leaving this hell-hole to go back to my house."

"That's not what I mean twerp. I want you to leave this school and never come back. Nobody likes you. You're weird and ugly. In fact, you'd be better off not existing at all. Just do the world a favor and leave." She spat, evil sparkling in her dilated eyes.

Matt just rolled his eyes and turned back around and walked out of the building.

From behind him, he heard Bria shout one more time, "STAY AWAY YOU GAY"

He didn't want anyone to see just how much her words affected him. He walked back to his house as quickly as he could.

He remembered that he needed to clean his room. But it didn't need to be cleaned, there were only 2 shirts on the floor and a blanket that had fallen off his bed. His mom just finds any small reason to yell at him, even when it doesn't have anything to do with him.

He ran upstairs, taking his shoes off before doing so. He plopped his school bag on his chair and put his shoes next to the door. He folded the 2 shirts and put them away, and remade his bed.

Taking a second to recollect himself, his breath began to quicken. His mind swallowed him up, voices shouting at him from every direction in pure darkness.

"That's not what I mean twerp. I want you to leave this school and never come back. Nobody likes you. You're weird and ugly. In fact, you'd be better off not existing at all. Just do the world a favor and leave."


His senses are overwhelmed.

He can't think.

All he can do is cry.

He climbs into his bed and buries himself in the covers.

"Maybe I would be doing the world a favor by not being here." He wondered out loud through tears and gasps for air as his sobs sucked the air from his lungs.

He wonders something else out loud after steadying his breathing;

"Maybe I'm just a gross, ugly, weirdo who doesn't deserve love."

(End scene)

I apologize if it may be too intense in some parts, but I want to experiment with different kinds of language in my writing... very sorry if it's too much.

I know I said previously that I'd wait to upload for this book, but I'm too excited and school starts again tomorrow, so I do t know if that'd delay my writing and I want to give you guys some more of this book.

Mainly because I'm super super excited to write this and have the patience of a 12 year old boy who plays fortnite all day.

ANYWAY!! I hope you like this book so far. Give me some constructive criticism in the comments if there's something you think I could work on!

Love you guys!

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