13. Philocaly

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It was midnight. Matt still couldn't fall asleep. Any time he closed his eyes, images of his life played in his mind.

"GeT OUt oF hErE yOU gAy!"


"Mattholomule, your father... he's-"


Matt sat up, breathing hard. He looked around the room and saw Gus. Gus was sitting up, drawing something in a sketchbook. He looked up from his sketchbook and saw Matt awake.

"Can't sleep?" Gus asked, his voice quiet and calm.

"Yeah," Matt responded sheepishly.

"Me too," Gus said, closing his sketchbook and setting it off to the side.

Gus patted the spot next to him for Matt to join him. Matt stood up, wrapped the orange blanket around himself, and sat down next to Gus.

"I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling Matt..." Gus sighed, facing toward Matt.

Matt shrugged and brought his knees up to his chest. "I don't even know how to feel if I'm being honest," Matt whispered, his voice raw and blank.

Gus didn't know how to respond. He didn't know what to do. Matt sighed and leaned against Gus, resting his head on his shoulder. He felt Matt relax next to him.

"Is it okay if we stay like this for a bit," Matt asked quietly.

"Mhm, I don't mind," Gus replied.

They both sat in silence, taking in the comfort of the other person. Gus began to quietly hum to himself, something that seemed to make Matt more comfortable. At some point, Matt closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After noticing, Gus carefully leaned Matt down and laid him down so he could sleep. He pulled the covers over Matt and slowly got off the bed.

Gus gazed at Matt, looking at how much the purple bruise stood out against his pale, smooth skin. He bent down and kissed Matt on the forehead and whispered, "Goodnight Matty."

Gus tiptoed over to the air mattress that Matt was going to sleep on. He pulled the covers over himself and turned on his side to look at Estelle. He felt bad that she had been in the tiny cat carrier this whole time. He decided to close his bedroom door, and slowly opened the door to the carrier.

Estelle leaped out of the carrier, eyeing Gus with caution. Gus watched her and sat perfectly still.

The cat leaped up onto the bed where Matt was sleeping and immediately hunkered down, sitting right on top of Matt's stomach. Gus smiled to himself at the adorable duo.

Gus was beyond tired, but his mind was more than awake. He couldn't even begin to know what to think, or how to comfort Matt. He wanted to help in any way possible, but he didn't know how to. He felt useless.

Something else was picking away at Gus, something he knew he wouldn't be able to ignore or avoid; He knew he had a crush on Matt. He had known for about 2 weeks.

It hadn't taken a long time for Gus to be intrigued by the brown-haired boy, but each day that he knew him, the crush he had got bigger and bigger.

Gus knew it was stupid to have a crush on someone you'd only known for about a month, but it felt like he'd known Matt for so much longer than that. But now that Matt was staying with him, he wasn't sure how he could avoid his feelings.

Gus let out a sigh of frustration and covered his face with his hands. "Just try to fall asleep. Just count to 5 and calm down," he muttered to himself. He lay on his side and tried to fall asleep, trying to think of how he could cheer up Matt.


When Matt woke up, he found that he was laying in Gus' bed. Confused, he sat up, not realizing the cat on his stomach. Estelle leaped off of him and pranced to the foot of the bed, that is where she settled down and began napping again.

Matt, who was still confused, looked around the room. He saw Gus sleeping over on the air mattress, and it made him feel incredibly guilty. He was supposed to be the one who slept on the mattress, not Gus. Gus should've been the one to sleep in his own bed.

Matt looked over at the clock, it was 7:43. He had hoped he'd be able to get more sleep, but considering the prior day, he was fine with what he got.

Matt sat up and wrapped the orange blanket around himself. He brought his knees up to his chest and rested his chin on them. He closed his eyes and hummed to himself.


Something made a sound around Gus, causing him to awake from his sleep. Still tired, he lay there, adjusting to his surroundings as he woke up. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. He looked over and saw Matt huddled by himself, humming.

Gus laid back down, closing his eyes and listening to the soft hum that whispered through the air like a lullaby.

This brief, peaceful moment was disrupted when Estelle let out a small meow for attention, stopping Matt's humming as he talked quietly to his cat.

"Good morning babyy," Matt cooed in a slightly high-pitched voice. Estelle mowed back, purring.

Holy fuucck, that was adorable

Gus felt his face get warm and cursed at himself mentally before sitting up fully, declaring he was awake. "Good morning Matt, did you sleep alright?"

"Meh," Matt said and shrugged his shoulders, "How'd you sleep?"

"Alright, I guess... Wanna go eat something for breakfast?"


Before exiting the room, Matt had to put Estelle back into the carrier, he didn't want her to freak out and run off or something.

The two boys went downstairs and sat at the island table. (You know when the table is in the kitchen.) Gus walked over to the pantry, "Is there anything you'd like to eat?"

"I'm fine with whatever," Matt said, hiding his face slightly.

"Okay, is this good?" Gus asked, showing Matt a box of cereal. Matt nodded, not paying attention to what Gus was holding up.

Gus sighed and walked over to Matt, placing the box of cereal and a bowl by him. Matt poured himself a small amount of cereal before closing the box back up and setting it off to the side.

The two, tired boys ate quietly. Matt wasn't very talkative, and Gus didn't want to intrude- he knew Matt had just gone through a lot.

When Matt finished his cereal, he stood up and placed the bowl gently into the sink, he washed it with soap and water and put it onto the drying rack. He sat back down in the seat he was sitting on and put his head in his arms.

"You okay?" Gus asked.

"Mmmm," Matt grumbled incoherently.

"Matty- I can't understand what you're saying," Gus replied, giggling slightly.

"Mmmm," Matt grumbled again, shaking his head.

"Hey- what's wrong?"


No response.


(End scene(

Hehehehehe cliff hanger!!
Sorry this took so long to get out, I had postponed the release of this chapter because it was my birthday weekend, and once that was over and I could get back to writing.... I had terrible writers block. But yeah, here's an update for you guys!

Stay amazing, and have an even more amazing day!

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