15. Slubberdegullion

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Matt woke up to Estelle brushing up against his face. "Hey, stop it," he mumbled, trying to get his cat away from his face. When he went to pick his hands up, he noticed that one of his hands was holding onto one of Gus'.

Matt's face immediately flushed a bright pink as he carefully tried to scoot away from his friend.

While scooting away, his hand accidentally slipped and he ended up crashing into Gus. "Shit," he mumbled. Gus woke up and looked around, alarmed.

"Are you okay," Gus asked worriedly, his voice laced with tiredness.

"Oh- I'm- I'm fine... I just slipped and... yeah. Sorry," Matt replied fastly, covering his face with his hands to hide his embarrassment.

"Pfft- chill dude, it's fine," Gus giggled, patting Matt on the shoulder, "You just scared me, that's all."

"Oh- sorry..."

"Hey, it's fine."

"Ok... I'm still sorry though," Matt sighed, bringing his knees up to his chest and laying his chin on his knees.

"What are you sorry for?" Gus asked, scooting closer to his friend.

Matt sighed, "I- I don't know... everything I guess? I mean, something is always wrong with me, I always seem to be sad, and I just came to your house last night and said 'Hey, I need a place to stay, can I crash here?' Without any kind of heads up! I'm-"

"Shhh," Gus cut off Matt, putting his finger to his lips, "You don't need to worry about any of that. We all have rough patches in life... and we all need people to help us through them. Lucky for you, you've got me to help you," Gus said, mimicking the motion of a dramatic hair flip.

"... Thank you," Matt sighed, locking eyes with Gus.

Gus saw Matt's eyes get watery. And not too soon after, tears began to slowly fall from his eyes.

"Oh, Matt ... come here," Gus sighed, holding his hands out to Matt for a hug.

Matt shamefully scooted toward his friend and let Gus wrap his arms around him.

"I'm sorry I'm always a mess," Matt whispered, "I promise I do more than cry. I promise I'm not useless. I- I really try to stop crying it's just-"

"Hey, it's okay Matty. It's okay to cry, and I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to let me try to help you. I'm proud of you, got it?"

"I- how?"

Gus sighed, "Matt, you are one of the coolest people I know. You have such an amazing personality and such a big heart. You are so smart and you actually make me feel like I can be myself around you. You are beyond amazing, and you're worth loving, no matter what anyone else says. And your hair is super soft," Gus' voice stayed level and reassuring.

Matt wiped his eyes, and a small smile crept onto his lips.

"Oh, one more thing-" Gus added, "You have an amazing smile."

Matt didn't know how to respond to all of this, he wasn't good at emotions. So he wrapped his arms around Gus, returning the hug.

"Thanks," Matt whispered, ending the hug.

"Anytime Matt. I'm always here for you, got it?"

Matt nodded his head and wiped his eyes some more. His hand made contact with his bruise from last night and he flinched.

"Oh-" Gus started, "I'll go get another ice pack for your bruise, I'll be right back!"

And with that, Gus stood up and rushed out of the room, leaving Matt by himself.

The room felt empty without Gus, and Matt felt cold without him next to him. He stood up and walked over to the mirror by Gus' desk.

It was ugly.

The bruise had turned an ugly purple-yellow and was across the side of Matt's face. He wasn't even sure how he didn't feel it earlier, maybe he was just too preoccupied to even notice. But now that he remembered, it was all his brain could seem to focus on.

Matt slowly reached his hand up to touch his bruise. When his hand made contact with his bruise, it hurt. He flinched away and brought his hand down.

"I'm so ugly..." Matt whispered shakily, "Bria was right..."

Just then, the door opened and Gus stepped through, an ice pack in his hands. "Here, put this on- but be careful, it'll probably hurt for a bit," Gus cautioned, handing Matt the ice pack.

"Thanks Gus," Matt said, taking the ice pack and holding it up to the side of his face.

"Wanna watch another movie? This time we won't fall asleep," Gus asked, sitting down on his bed.

"Um, sure. What do you want to watch?"

"You can pick."

"But I've always picked, you should pick something."

"But this is to make you feel better! It should be something that you pick out!"

"It's not fair to you that I've always picked what we watch though! You need to choose too!"

"Look. Matt. It's okay. You should pick out whichever movie you want that'll help you feel better. This isn't about me, it's about you," Gus said sternly but calmly, placing his hands on Matt's shoulders.

"Nevermind... we don't need to watch anything then," Matt said stubbornly.

"Matt! I didn't mean that! I just-" Gus let out a sigh, "I don't care what we watch. If it makes you feel any better, I'll pick out the next movie we watch, okay? It's just that right now, I want to focus on making you feel better, not myself."

"Oh, okay."

This time, while they watched the movie, Matt laid down on his air mattress, which was moved next to Gus' bed, and Gus laid down on his bed.

About halfway through the movie, Gus' dad opened the door. "Hey boys, I have to go to work soon, are you two fine with making yourselves lunch?"

"Yep!" Gus replied with a smile, "Have a good day at work!"

Gus' dad smiled and turned to Matt, "Are you holding up okay Matt? Anything I can do for you?"

Matt's face flushed a little bit, "oh- um, I'm fine. Thank you again for letting me stay here, it means a lot to me."

"Of course, just don't hesitate to ask for anything, okay?"


"Alright, I'll head off to work now, you boys stay safe," he said, closing the door and heading off.

"Your dad seems really cool," Matt said, stroking Estelle's fur.

"Yeah, he is pretty cool," Gus said with a smile, "even though people think it's weird to be close to your parents sometimes, I can actually tell my dad about a lot of things..."

"That sounds nice," Matt replied.


(End scene)

I wrote the last two chapters in a day, since when did my motivation get back so early from its vacation?

Jokes aside, I'm glad to be writing more again, and I'm so glad that you guys seem to enjoy it so far. This is only my second book, so I'm glad it's not terrible.

Have an amazing day! I'll see you guys next time!

(Also, expect some fluff next chapter)

Mr. Melancholy (Gus x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now