Chapter Two: One, Two, Three...

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"Good morning, Your Highness," Josh greeted him upon entering the room.

"Good morning, Josh. How's the day appearing to be?" Wilbur was always grateful for how he would always tell him his daily schedule in the mornings.

"Your usual breakfast is strictly at eight, per normal. Countess Sally has arranged a morning tea with some other servants to introduce your guard before your classes. Your archery teacher has returned, so classes shall presume as normal, which you shall attend first. Then you shall attend geography, following with astrology, music, dance, and end the day with mannerisms. Do remember your test for astrology that you shall have today."

Wilbur groaned. "I've not prepared, if I was to be frank." He huffed at his servant's eye roll, but got up to begin the day anyway.

"Your new personal guard, Quackity, is already standing outside your door for your presence, Prince. I shall be hidden per usual, but he shall remain visible for your safety. Forgot not to fetch your betrothed."

Wilbur nodded, leaving Josh alone as he left the room. As promised, the new guard was outside his door, face as still as his father's was.

"We're going to get my love first then breakfast. Have you eaten yet?"

The guard nodded. "Yes, Your Highness."

Wilbur smiled. "Then let us begin the day. Forgive me for making you walk and stand so much," he joked before walking off.

When Wilbur reached a door in another suite inside the castle, Sally revealed her nature.

"Wow," Wilbur breathed as he looked at her. "You look beautiful."

The maiden was dressed in a forest green dress that fell to the floor in many layers. The top section hugged her more tightly and was off the shoulders. She had her casual elbow–length white gloves with silver accessories, her wild hair out and as curly as ever.

She laughed. "You say that every day, darling. Stop with your flattery and let us rush to dinner."

Wilbur laughed but obeyed, offering out his elbow as per expectations of a gentleman when handling a fine lady, tail wrapping around her own. With the new guard in tow, as well as Sally's personal guard deemed Jared, they set off to head to the dining room.

"Pretty boy!" Schlatt's voice called, gaining both their attention. Wilbur laughed while Sally scoffed and rolled her eyes, but gave a playful smile that betrayed her feigned annoyance. He came up with his trustful servant and guards, Charlie and Traves and Sc'Coop. "We headin' to join your family for breakfast?"

Wilbur sighed. "Sadly. They refuse to let me eat in peace as you two are our guests."

"Oh, stop whining," Sally teased. "You adore us. You'd suffer just for us." Wilbur smiled and nodded.

"Look at those fuckers," Schlatt not–so–subtly whispered to his servants and guards. "They're so lovey–dovey, it's fucking disgusting."

All of them—except the new guard, Quackity—laughed. "You're just jealous you lack the ability to seduce any women, but I have!" Wilbur called him out, causing him to retort. They went back and forth until they finally reached the royal doors to the royal dining room, in which their loud chatter became like when night fell upon the lands.

"Don't be afraid of those assholes, virgo," Schlatt attempted at comforting while Sally squeezed her betrothed's hand. "Walk and speak with pride embroidered inside of you. Show them your power, make them pissed when you show no change after they display their true nature. That is when they'll know you, young prince, are above them."

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