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"Local officials and the sheriff department have identified the girl found buried in the woods on the night of February 22nd, 2000, as Skye Ballum.

When the nineteen-year-old never came home after staying the night at her boyfriend's house, her older brother, Steven Ballum, assumed she was extending her stay. Once the news of the horrific discovery was reported, the young man grew concerned, with no communication to appease his worries. Alas, he walked into the sheriff's office three days later to file a missing person's report. In an unfortunate turn of events, the man was brought to the morgue, having to confirm her identity. It was indeed his teen sister, Skye Ballum.

According to the coroner, Dr. Maiden, Skye suffered severe trauma to the head, an injury to which later she succumbed, along with various fractures on her body. She would've suffocated to death if it hadn't been for the two young men in the wood, who'd witnessed the burial. Since the investigation is ongoing, we shall refrain from divulging the names of the witnesses for their own safety.

Thus far, we have been unable to get a statement from the boyfriend, Austin Welhaven. The police have yet to confirm him as a suspect, although, the brother of the deceased is convinced the man had motive and opportunity to kill his sister."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

   Amanda jumped in surprise, frightened by the sound coming from the door behind her. Relieved, she closed her eyes and winced. The moment she'd begun reading up articles about Skye Ballum's murder, she'd hardly blinked. Her eyes felt the effects of the bright screen, as they now burned against her lids.

The knocks came again, and Amanda straightened before Miriam called out her name on the other side, announcing her entry.

"Oh, dear! You had me worried," the woman said once her eyes landed on her.

Amanda, still sitting at her desk smiled at her apologetically, "Sorry about that."

The woman waved her off, "Don't mention it. Although I must mention that dinner is ready and you're the only one left to join the party."

Amanda groaned just as her stomach did the same.

   If it were only her father waiting on her to share a meal, she would gladly come. However, not too long after their conversation ended, her mother arrived, probably tipped off by Simon as to why the mayor had been so late before deciding he wouldn't come to work at all.

   From her room she could hear their screaming match... well, she could hear more of her mother than she could her father. As always, that woman's hysterics only got her father fired up, especially given the reason for his decision to stay in for the day, choosing to work from home to keep an eye on Amanda. Although their bickering about her always hurt, this time she was too focused, too lost in unveiling the mystery of the girl in her head to worry about them.

Amanda had no desire to be underwhelmed mother's scrutiny, but she knew if she excused herself, it'd only add a barrel of fuel to a blazing fire.

Sighing, Amanda got up and thanked Miriam, "I'll be down shortly," she told the woman, and quickly went to freshen up.

She slipped on an oversized hoody after washing her face and threw her hair in a messy bun on top of her head.

As Amanda came down the steps, she took in the house's eerily quiet atmosphere. Her breath hitched as she felt the cold tiles beneath her feet suck the warmth out of her body as she approached her destination.

Entering the dining room, she refrained from stopping until she had her chair to hold on to for support. Looking at her father, she gave him a tight but sincere smile as she found her voice.

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