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Author POV

Jungkook woke up to the sound of people banging on his door, he looked around to see he was naked, with his dick still erected. He groaned grabbing fists of his hair in frustration because he don't remember when he passed out or anything.

It's like a part of his mind was erased and he forgot all that just happened a few hours ago, it felt like a temporary amnesia.

The knocking wouldn't stop, so he put some pants trying to strap his cock on the waistband then putting a shirt. He opened the door to people frantically screaming everywhere.

"What's going on?"

"Father Jeon where have you been!! We came looking for you and nobody was in your room! Then now you here!! The whole place going to hell! We got two murders downstairs!!"

Jungkook was confused of what exactly are they talking about then it's when it hit him, the images of having sex with the devil dressed in that red suit which he actually remembered now ripping it to pieces while fucking his tight ass ruthlessly or maybe it was his imagination.

"What's that on the floor?" One of the priest asked pointing next to the bed, Jungkook looked over hoping it was not what he just thought about yet he should know his luck is shit recently.

He opened his eyes wide thinking it was true he looked around to see what else was left then he saw more red ripped cloth on his bed, he immediately covered it with the sheets.

"Nothing just some ripped up paper"

The priests looked at each other murmuring that maybe someone is too young to be serving the Lord as it's obvious something is being hidden they old wise men.

"The police are downstairs they want to question you about some things and did you know Father Kim jumped off the top of the church killing himself!!"

Jungkook remembered now the priest Jimin killed and that's how they labeling it as a suicide, when he saw the whole thing and he's not going to say nothing.

He's already filthy with sin so lying wouldn't hurt anything anymore, especially knowing the devil reading his thoughts, he's spontaneous and can do anything unexpectedly.

"The police? For what?"

"Just some random questions of last night we left out the part of you being without pants" The priest said raising his eyebrow making Jungkook die of embarrassment, it already traveled the whole church staff just because it's a holy place it doesn't mean gossip don't go around.

That happens everywhere and he just hopes it doesn't get to the public ear, that he's some pervert or something, which he is because of the sinful man in red, however what's about to happen today will be the worst humiliation yet one Jungkook not ready for.

Nothing comes easy when the devil wants you and to suffer is pleasure to him, he loves agony and pain he feeds off it.

"We wanted to ask just what exactly happened last night?"

"I don't even remember! All I know is that I went to pray at night in the chapel because I was having nightmares and I fell asleep that's all, I never saw the sister or anything!" Jungkook replied obviously lying because he knew the fire was most probably intentional.

Then after he fucks with Jimin he passes out, he concludes that he can't cum anymore and his life leaves him to be limp, then he wakes up not remembering shit only getting flashes after.

"OK then get dressed in proper clothes and go downstairs, it's a madhouse and get ready for mass later because whatever is going on we still must do the work of the Lord and that's spread his word out so evil don't conquer!!"

𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓲𝓷𝓼 21+(𝓙𝓲𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴)𝓞𝓷-𝓖𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰Where stories live. Discover now