Time Heist

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"Okay, so the how works. Now we gotta figure out the when and the where." Steve stated as all of you stared at a projection of all the stones.

"Almost everyone here had an encounter with at least one of the six infinity stones."
"I haven-" you were about to say before Tony cut you off.
"Or substitute the word encounter for nearly being killed by one of the six infinity stones."
"Oh." You nodded.

"I haven't!" Scott raised his hand. "I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about."

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym particles for one round trip each and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history."

"Our history." Stark nodded. "So not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in, yeah?"
"Which means we gotta pick our targets." Clint voiced.


"Well I won't be going right?" You clarified looking at Tony.

"What?" Nat looked up at Stark and so did everyone else.

"What?" Tony portrayed innocence "We need someone in charge of bringing us back right?"
"Uh actually-" Rocket was about to interfere.
"Otherwise we'll all get stuck in the past." Tony shrugged. "And it'll be Avengers: Back to the future. Only we won't get back to the future."

You had a pure smile plastered on your face.

"W-why is she in charge of that?" Rhodey spoke up.
"She's the youngest, we can't just send her into the jaws of danger!" Starks tone was sarcastic.
"My point exactly, why is the youngest in charge of our lives? Besides you didn't say nothin when sending her off to Wakanda, there was a shit ton of danger there."

"She isn't that young anymore." Nat raised her voice.
"Did you just call me old?" You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Guys stop." Steve ordered. "We don't have time for this. Moreover we've only got enough Pym particles for the nine of us."

"That's too bad." You pretended to be disappointed.

"So, let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve looked at the corner of the room causing everyone to follow his gaze.

Thor sat there lifelessly with sunglasses and his hand on his belly.

"Is he asleep?" Nat quizzed.

"No, no. I'm pretty sure he's dead." Rhodey whispered.


"Alright we have a plan."

"Six stones."

"Three teams."

"One shot."

You stood at the controllers watching the sunrise as the group dramatically strode down the polished floors.

"You guys look neat." You grinned chewing a baby carrot.


"Thank you."


"Guys shut up."

Everyone got onto the portal as Bruce instructed you on what buttons to press.
"You got it?" He asked towering over you.
"Yeah I got it."
"You sure?"
"For Christ sake go, you're going to miss Cap's big speech."

And there was a speech.
It was good.
Probably good, you didn't really hear it since they were so far away and Steve was talking so quietly.

"Bye guys!" You jumped "Be careful! Don't die please!"
They all looked at you. Only Scott enthusiastically waved back.
"See you!"
"Don't encourage her, Scott." Tony chuckled.
"Aright you ready Y/N?"

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