Getting the Band Back Together

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Six years is a long time. It's no doubt that a person's life can change in that period.

But would you believe someone, if they told you that one day, the population of all living things would be mercilessly cut into two, literally dusting away the other half into nothing?

You wouldn't.

But it was real.

And you were caught right in the middle of it.


You were woken up by the feeling of suffocation.

No you weren't having a traumatic nightmare, relax. But you were if you didn't feed someone's fluffy butt.

"Yeah good morning to you too." You sat up rubbing your eyes.

In response you got a meow.

"Come on then, you." You carefully scooped up your fuzzy friend and placed her on the floor where she then followed you to the kitchen.

"Well at least someone can wake you up in the morning." You turned around seeing Natasha in her usual spot.

You chuckled pouring in Cat's food in the metal bowl.

Yes her name was Cat, you couldn't think of anything else anyway.

"Any news?" You turned on the kettle.

Nat tightened her lips "Uh, Barton." She almost mouthed.

"Again?" It sounded almost like a complaint.

She nodded.

"God. Where?"

"Mexico. Cartel gang members." You heard her whisper.

"Maybe we should go get him?" You suggested, pouring some milk in your bowl of cereal.

Nat nodded sadly.

The Avengers weren't just a load of superheroes, they were a family to her. A pretty fucked up family, but still a family.

Seeing half of it dead and the other half all over the place made Natasha's heart break.

"Morning ladies." Said a familiar voice.

You turned around seeing Steve's exhausted face.

"Morning." You replied.

Nat bobbed her head.

"How you guys holding up?" Steve tried to make small talk, he usually came here only for the laundry.

Mostly it was you and Nat roaming the gigantic building all by yourselves.

Overall it was miserable.

Really really miserable.

After what happened in Wakanda, everything and everyone was. Even the birds barely sung in the morning.

Obviously that's what you'd expect if half of the population just disappeared into dust, including the only family you had.

Sam and Bucky.

The first few years were tough.

No, tough is a huge understatement, it was a big steaming pile of shit.

The amount of alcohol consumed by you in those three years should definitely be in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Those first three years were so tough to handle that even YOU started going to Steve's support groups.

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