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You were caught in the craziest battle you have ever had in your life.

Aliens, monsters, flying dragons and you were teamed up with some crazy people too.

You met Scott's partner, reunited with Wanda, Pepper, Okoye and Carol and almost managed to get the gauntlet in the old time travel bus.

You rode a pegasus, which is a flying horse and fought off a shit ton of creepy stuff.

All while having Cat with you!

As they say, not all heroes wear capes.


You were busy zapping a big space wolf when you heard someone call your name.

"Just a second!" You yelled.

Unfortunately it didn't take a second, you were beginning to struggle as the enormous creature almost smushed you and Cat under its massive paws.

You fell flat on your back with a painful grunt.


With a roar the wolf got on it's hind legs, towering over you.

You aimed your gun but the sound of an empty barrel cocking made you curse under your breathe.

Just as you thought you were about to meet God himself, a series of vigorous shots were fired at the creature, making him fall back in defeat with a loud thud.

You quickly got up and tossed your empty gun to the side "Thanks I almo-" As you spun round your ability to speak totally disappeared.


Your head did a flip and you felt like you were gonna throw up.

Familiar cosy smile.

Icy blue eyes that were warm like home.

A dream.

Were you dreaming?

"Cmon, Y/N, won't you give me a hug?"

You couldn't believe your eyes and your eyes couldn't believe you.

The sound of his voice replayed in your brain, that had suffered so much trauma, that you were doubting every thought.

You finally jogged over towards him.

Towards Bucky.

You stopped.

Your eyes tingled from how fast your pupils expanded and you imagined the stupid grin you had on your face.

You opened your mouth to say something, but just paused.

"Why are you wet?"

Bucky smiled, cocking his head to the side.
He eyed your beautiful features, beaming grin, red nose from how cold you were after your swim earlier  and your eyes, oh your eyes.

How mesmerized he was by you.

World in flames around him, but all he could think about was you.

His thoughts were cut off by your hands on his face and lips on yours. He instantly let go of the  gun in his hands, letting it hang by the strap.
His arms wrapped around you, fingers resting on your back.

Cat looked up confused, also praying that she wasn't going to get smushed between these two crazy people.

As you let go of him for the sake of your Cat you couldn't contain your delight.

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