On Your Left

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Your eyes shot open as you instinctively tried to take a breath in, but felt your lungs fill up with water.

Using your arms you forced yourself up, slamming your head against something hard above you.

"FUCK!" You wailed grabbing the sore area.

You looked around in horror, seeing water surrounding you with chunks of a ruined building squeezing you from all directions.


Your ear rung.

"Does anybody copy? We're on the lower level and it's flooding!" You recognized Rhodey's voice.

"What?" You heard Scott respond in a lost manner.


"Wait! Im here! Im here can you hear me?"

The water began rising up to your chin and you were still stuck between a chunk of concrete and whatever was below you.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna drown." You held in a sob.

You could barely see anything around you, it was dark and cold and your claustrophobia wasn't helping.

"Oh god. Fuck, fuck, fuck." You shuffled forward painfully scraping your knees and shoulders against everything.

"A little more," you breathed heavily seeing a small exit that you could possibly squeeze through.

You reached your hand out towards the edges of the exit and using all your force pulled yourself out.

Little did you know that on the other side of the way out was no solid ground, and down you went flying until you landed head first into more water.

Without thinking you began paddling back up towards the surface, fear was now in control of you, everything you did was by instinct.

"RHODEY!" You scream looking around.


It was especially hard not to drown when you had two guns strapped onto your waist and about 15 knives all over you.

You squinted trying to make out of your surroundings in the dim lit scene. The water was so loud that you couldn't hear the conversation that was going on in your earpiece.
You had no choice but to swim forward in hopes to find a real way out of the underground water cave of ruins.

After about five minutes of aimless swimming you came across a spot of light that glistened on the surface.

You paddled over an looked up seeing an open dent which resembled an opening in the floor, but it was too early to celebrate.

You needed up as soon as possible and the water was filling up slowly.

You looked to your left and then your right.


"Fuck me," you grunted to yourself as realization hit you. "I will not manage that."

You eyed the steel rod poking out next to the dent, your job was to grab that and pull yourself up while trying to paddle along the way, so you wouldn't sink.

"Ok I got this." You took a deep breathe in.

"I got this." You nodded to yourself.

"Cardio. Is. Everything."

You dove down under water, crouching as soon as you felt your legs touch the bottom, and in almost an instant you pushed with all your strength gliding up toward the surface and towards the metal rod.

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