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Few hours later all lights were off and after another check up on Alpine you and Bucky got ready for bed.

You settled snugly under the covers next to Bucky and closed your eyes.

It was quiet for a couple minutes until Bucky whispered "Y/N?"
You replied with a lazy hum.
"What happened in the six years I was out?"
Your eyes opened "A lot of things." You turned to face him, you could barely see his features in the dark.

"Did you, or do you...have someone?"
There was an awkward pause.
"Why?" You raised your eyebrows.

You heard the covers shuffling under Bucky, indicating that he probably shrugged.

"You seem different."

You tightened your lips with an uneasy feeling in your stomach. You blinked a couple of times before turning your head back to the previous position. Different in this case didn't sound like a good thing, which made you feel incredibly dejected.

"Good night." You mumbled before turning onto your side, facing your back to Bucky.
"Are you mad?" He immediately sat up.
You stayed silent.

"Bucky go to sleep."
"I wanna talk. Don't you? It's been six years for you...I don't feel missed."

You let out a dry chuckle.
"Bucky you have no idea what I've been through."
"I know. I want you to tell me. I feel like there's just something between us, like an unspoken thing that no one wants to mention."

You furrowed your eyebrows and sat up, turning on the light on the nightstand.
He looked at you patiently waiting for you to say something.

"Bucky, I've had a rough six years. I thought you were gone. For good. And then you reappeared, so did Sam. Obviously I'm grateful and happy, but I feel like something's just not right." You rubbed your face "I can't explain, it's easier with Sam because...I don't fucking know." You groaned screwing your eyes shut.
Bucky didn't take his eyes off you, trying his best to read you.

"Do you still love me?"
The words rang through your head.
Yes, obviously you loved him, you just had to say yes.

You opened your mouth, but your throat tightened and tongue went dry.
Suddenly your heartbeat was pulsating through your eardrums.

You quickly nodded, fighting the discomfort.
Bucky's expression clearly showed that he wasn't convinced.
"I-I do. Of course I do." You finally forced out of yourself.

He nodded and looked down at the bedsheets.
"Bucky," you breathed. Disoriented, you took his hand into yours. That won him over slightly, you knew it would.
"Time is all that's needed."
"Besides we still have the infinity stones to put back and we need to get you your pardon."
He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Everything needs to be stable." You shook his hand, maybe a little too violently.
"Does that include you?"
"Bucky!" You laughed shoving his shoulder.
"But yes." You quickly switched to a serious face "I don't think I can be a psychologist anymore."

"Well you were a pretty shit one to begin with."
You rolled your eyes.
"Thank you Mr.Barnes."
There was a small laugh break before Bucky continued "No but seriously, are you ok now?"
"Yes." Your answer came out quick and short.
"Yes." You repeated calmer.

"Y/N if you ever-"
"Need to talk I can talk to you, yes thank you I really appreciate it."
Bucky nodded.

"Your hair is a violation." You pointed.
He rolled his eyes and laid down.

"Good night." You said switching off the lamp.
"You still get nightmares?" You whispered.
"Should I get some water in case you wake up?"
"I'll be fine."


The next day you got to Brooklyn by sunset.
You stayed the first night in a hotel and then moved into a temporary apartment in the center of the City.

"This could work?" Bucky looked around the cold and dark rooms of the new place.
Alpine didn't waste any time and jumped onto the couch.

"Don't get too comfortable." You put the keys in a dusty wooden bowl that was on a dusty wooden cabinet in the dusty hallway.

Bucky sneezed behind you.

"Bless you."
"Thank you."
"God the dust is insane." You exclaimed walking into the kitchen and switching on the lights. Particles of god knows what floated around the light bulbs.

You shivered and checked the living room where Alpine was already enjoying the couch.
Suddenly you felt two arms sweep you off the ground and into the air.

"Bucky!" You shrieked.
You heard him chuckled as he spun into the center of the room.

"Buck!" He finally put you down.

You looked up into his blue eyes as he towered over you, hands on your hips and face about to touch yours.

No words were said, the two of you just leaned into each other, lips colliding swiftly and softly.
Your hands were all over him in no time.

You took a few steps back without breaking the kiss urging him to move over to the couch.

Alpine saw the two of you nearing to her spot and managed to hop off just in time before you pushed Bucky back first onto the couch.

You got on top of him moving away all the lose strands of hair that managed to slip out of his bun.

"You really need a haircut, Barnes." You whispered against his smirking lips.

Barnes.                                       Book II                           Where stories live. Discover now