never let your guard down. 2/4

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i put everything in a backpack. and clothes and other things i'd need.
i then made myself cry and sound panicked.
and then i called wil.

"hey tommy what's up" wilbur said as he answered the phone.

"wil" i said, making my voice sound shaky.

"toms? what's wrong?" wilbur said.

"my dad just killed my mom." i said.

"are you okay are you safe???" he said, panicked.

"yeah he tried to kill himself after. i think he's dead to. please come pick me up" i cried.

"okay, okay i'll be there soon stay on the phone with me okay?" wilbur said.

"okay" i said.

i listened as he got in his car and started driving immediately.
i grinned. i was so excited to turn this around on my father.
my mother was an asshole, i'm glad her ass is gone.
i know that sounds bad, but she was worse than my father in so many ways.

after about 20 minutes wilbur spoke up again.

"okay tommy i'm outside." wilbur said.

"okay give me one second" i said, my voice still fake shaky.

i end the call and dial 999,

"hello this is 999 what's your emergency?"

"my father just killed my mother and then killed himself" i sobbed.

"your father killed your mother and then killed himself?" the lady asked.

"yes" i cried.

"what did he use to kill himself?" the lady asks.

"pills. he's still breathing i think he's alive" i cry.

"okay. and what's the address?" she asks.

"******" i say.

"okay officers will be there soon" the lady says.

"okay, thank you" i say with the same fake shaky voice i did with wilbur.

i end the call and i walk outside,
i try to look like i did as soon as my mother got her throat slit, distraught and shook.
i opened the door and i put my bag in and sat down.

"i called the police" i told wilbur.

"okay, that's good. come on let's go wait for
them." he says while getting out.

i get out and close the car door.
we walk towards my house and sit out front.

i lean on wil.
"i can't believe that just happened."i say.

"i know. but it'll be okay" wilbur said wrapping an arm around me.

i stay silent when i finally see the cop cars pull up to my house.

i watched as they all went inside the house and i see as they bring my parents out on stretchers. no one ever said a word to me.
i saw more police officers go in and look for evidence.
but i was smarter than that. i knew they wouldn't find anything.

as soon as i was able to go i took that offer.

wilbur was silent as we drove home. probably didn't want to "overwhelm" me.

as soon as we got back to wilbur's flat i sat down on the couch, wilbur sat next to me.
i tried to make it look like a lot of things were going on in my head.

"i just don't understand" i say.

"i know." wilbur said.

"i thought he loved her." i said.

i knew they didn't love each other. but i can't be honest until later.

"i know tommy. i wish i could give you answers but i can't. this is just a shock to me as it is you" wilbur said.

i hugged wilbur tight.

i think i truly am disturbed by it though.
the blood.
everything about it.
it truly scared me.
he never looked like he regretted it at all.
i think i am scared of what will happen.
what if my plan fails? what if i don't have enough time to give wilbur the note and the stuff.
i am scared.

im terrified.

but if my father has taught me anything, its that i was born to run. and ill do whatever it takes to make everyone see what kind of person he really is.

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