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(Tommy techno Wilbur and phil all live together)

I was awoken by the sunshine coming through my window, hurting my eyes,
One thing I noticed was how bad my stomach hurt,
It was twisting tighter, making me feel even sicker.
I felt as if I couldn't move,
Just then, someone entered my room.
"Hey, Tommy? Phil made breakfast and wanted me to wake you up, get up" technos words made my head ache,
"Hmm? Yeah, yeah okay" I mumbled, not being able to open my eyes.
"You alright? You don't look so good?" Techno hesitantly said.
"Hm yeah I'm fine" I said,
I felt a hand on my forehead, their hand was cold and made the burning heat in my body disappear for a couple seconds.
"Tommy you have a fever, I'm getting Wilbur and Phil" techno said,
"No, im okay" I said, slurring my words.
He left my room,
I heard him talking to Wilbur and Phil, but then something struck my like lighting.
The feeling to throw up.
I felt it ushering itself up my throat,
I threw the covers off my body and ran into the bathroom,
I leaned over the toilet and threw up, my whole body going numb and feeling forced into its current position.

(Wilbur pov)

Techno came running down the steps,
"Why are you in such a rush?" I asked, getting a glass of water.
"It's Tommy, he's got a fever" techno said,
"Oh really? Is he okay?" Phil said.
"Well, when I walked in, he looked oddly pale and when I talked to him all his words were slurred together and when I felt his forehead it was burning hot, I thi-"
Techno was cut off by the sound of someone running and then the horrid sound of throwing up.
I immediately ran to the bathroom to see Tommy slumped over the toilet, throwing up everything he ate last night.
I went over and kneeled down, and rubbed small circles on his back,
"Hey it's okay, I'm here now" I spoke, trying my best to comfort the sick boy.

(Tommy pov)

I heard footsteps rush up the steps and walk up to me, I felt small gentle circles being rubbed on my back,
"Hey it's okay, im here now" Wilbur spoke.

I finished throwing up, I felt wet tears rush down my face and drip onto my thighs,
I fell back into Wilbur's arms and shut my eyes, not able to deal with the lights.
"Do you wanna stay here or do you wanna try to walk back into your room" Wilbur said,
"Here" I said, not being able to say much,
"Okay" Wilbur said softly,
He laid me down on the floor and got up and flushed the toilet,
Then he grabbed a rag and put it under the faucet,
He then kneeled back down on the floor and slowly grabbed me again, placing the wet rag on top of my forehead
I grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly, also using up the rest of my energy.
"Tommy come on we're going back to your room so you can sleep." Wilbur spoke
I groaned,
I opened my eyes and tried to hoist myself up,
But I failed miserably.
I heard a small chuckle from above me,
I held up my middle finger at him.
I felt my myself being picked up bridal style, I just leaned into the touch,
I felt myself being laid back down into my bed,
I didn't wanna be alone so I gripped into Wilbur's hand, pulling him from walking out of my room.
He smiled and went to come lay down next to me,
I latched onto him,
"Tommy go to sleep, you won't feel better if you don't rest." Wilbur said,
I happily obliged.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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