Chapter 2 :: Moon 4

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The Children of The Gods

Cats: 16

Prey: 2
Sticks: 11
Herbs: 8
Border: 17.75/20
Runes Found: 2

Realm: Midgard

Season: Leaf-Bare, still?
Weather: Snowing
Event: none

Leader: -
Second in Command: -
Healers: 2
Sons: 5
Daughters: 5
Trainees: 4

Leader's Den: Built
Community Den: Built
Trainee's Den: Built
Nursery: Not Built

(Each Den will cost 10 sticks to build)

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Chapter 2: The Little Hunter

The snow was still falling when Eir and Kara were getting ready to leave. Everyone was saying their goodbyes, and wishing the two Valkyries safe travel as they went to look for- well, whatever they were searching for. New Godlings or more of their Valkyrie sisters.

Valor waited until they finally took off before he tried to sneak away. He knew Eir would have noticed him leave when she took off.

He couldn't get caught.

He carefully slid down the hill, following Yrsa's scent down to the frozen lake. Last night while Sylvie and Quartz explained how they found Runes, Yrsa mentioned how she saw a campfire just across the ice, near the forest treeline.

He went across the ice, the lake still frozen solid and safe to cross, but even then, he was careful with each pawstep.

He was halfway out when he noticed someone was falling him. He turned, seeing a light brown pelt, and cursing. Gunnr must have noticed him-

Wait, that's not Gunnr...

Yrsa caught up to him. "C'mon, let's go check it out before someone sees us!"

"Wait, why did you follow me?" Valor asked, his tail flicking as he continued on across the frozen ice.

"I want to know what I saw last night, you're not the only one curious about our new place," Yrsa answered, taking the lead from the other Godling.

"Hey, wait up!"


Once on the other side, Valor and Yrsa searched for their target. It didn't take them long, finding the campfire that was covered by a bit of snow, the wood charred and the coals no longer warm.

"Someone was definitely here, but they're gone now," Yrsa muttered, her eyes looking around at the ground around her to look for tracks.

"Fire magic must have been use to light it, looks like it, anyways," Valor said, examining the charred wood.

"Help! Someone help!"

Yrsa and Valor's ears perked as they heard the faint voice. "Did you hear that?" Yrsa asked quickly.

"Yeah, sounds like it coming from just over there, over that slope," Valor said, before he and Yrsa dashed up the snowy slope.

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