Chapter 5 :: Moon 16

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The Children of The Gods

Cats: 17

Prey: 3
Sticks: 23
Herbs: 18
Border: 16.75/20
Runes Found: 12

Realm: Midgard

Season: Leaf-Bare (Fimbulwinter)
Weather: Snowstorm
Event: none

Leader: -
Second in Command: -
Healers: 2
Sons: 8
Daughters: 4
Trainees: 1
Little Ones: 2

Leader's Den: Built
Community Den: Built
Trainee's Den: Built
Nursery: Built

(Each Den will cost 10 sticks to build)

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Chapter 5: Rota, the Ever Watching

Scene One

In Neflhiem...

Sigrun looked at the narrow entrance of Neiflhiem's deepest cavern. She and Gunnr has been traveling for a long while by now, and standing in front of the glowing crystalline entrance...

"Hildr is in there somewhere. How did she even get down here by herself?" Gunnr muttered. Sigrun shook her head, her blue eyes gazing upon the crystals.

"I'm not too sure myself. But let's proceed with caution. Who knows what is waiting for us..."

Gunnr smiled, before nudging the other with her wing. "Nothing we can't handle. We'll find her and we'll be out of here in two ruffles of a bird's wing."

Gunnr trekked forward, able to slip into the narrow space with ease, going on until the shadows swallowed her figure. Sigrun took a breath, but stopped as she heard something.

She looked around, ears pushed forward, scanning around. The roof above them stretched so high above them Sigrun couldn't see the top, but clouds far above them. The same green crystals were scattered around, growing from rocky faces, and jotting above them. A dangerous poisonous gas floated under as she stood in a rocky bridge.

The noise came again. It sounded like... pawsteps? There was no where to hide though, but as she looked around, the Valkyrie could find nothing. The pawsteps continued, getting closer and closer, but still nothing could be seen.

The faint scent of firewood caught her nose, but before she could think, a voice tickled her ear.

"Hello, Sigrun."


Scene Two

Eir looked up to the sky, watching as dark clouds rolled in from the south. A blizzard, a bad one from the looks of it. Would Rota be okay?

But before she could worry anymore, a black figure could be see flying swiftly over the forest treetops. A tabby with dark black fur, with stripes the color of a voice, with eyes the color of pale rubies, the figure was unforgettable to the molly.

Flying in on crow's wings, the Valkyries of Judgement arrived. Rota landed in Camp, smiling as she stood in front of the others.

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