Chapter 4: did I mention that I HATE NEEDLES!!

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(Needle warning)
Sarah layed in bed asleep. It was about 8:30 in the morning, and normally she would be up by seven. But the day before had been so exhausting that all she wanted to do was sleep.

"Rise and shine my dare." A rather genial voice called out in her room. Sarah ignored it, still sound asleep.

"Come on get up!" This time it was annoyed and much louder.

Sarah growned at the noise. She squinted her eyes and pulled the blanket up more. "Give me five more minutes," she moaned. She had almost fell back asleep when a loud air horn blared though her room. Sarah covered her ear with her hands and sat up "alright I'm up, I'm up!" After a minute it stopped, allowing Sarah to think clearly again. She rubbed her eyes for a minute before letting out a yawn while stretching. Slowly she looked around, no one was there. "Hello?" She asked to the dimly lit room. No response. She shrugged and thought it was in her head.

Swiftly she put on her boots and made her way to the bathroom to begin her day. Even though she was a prisoner she could still put some normality into her routine. She did her usual by doing her business, taking a quick shower, and brushing her hair. You know, The usual. Once done she took a seat on her bed. Glancing at the clock, it was just about nine. At Least they let her sleep in a bit. She sighed unsure what to do. Surely there must have been a reason they woke her up?

Her question didn't have to wait long for an answer. A loud beep came from outside the door as it squeaked open. Sarah watched as a tall figure came into her cell. She wore a long white lab coat, black gloves, goggles over its eyes, with grayish purple skin. She pushed a small cart in front of them. Sarah raised a brown at the figure, trying to put a finger on its name. Then she got it "Yzma?"

The figure stopped and looked at Sarah. She lifted the goggles off of her eyes "in the flesh." Sarah's eyes widened in shock, what was Yzma doing here?

She watched a Yzma push the cart between the bed and one of the chairs. She grabbed an iPad looking thing off the cart and began to fiddle with it. Sarah giggled to herself as Yzma continued to get more and more frustrated with the device.

"How T or any of the others managed to understand this technology is far beyond my understanding!" Yzma practically chucked the tablet down onto the cart like she was throwing a tantrum. She then grabbed a clipboard and pencil "will just do this the old fashion way." Grabbing one of the chairs, she plopped it in front of where Sarah was sitting before taking a seat herself. The two looked at one another, inspecting each other.

"You're not gonna cause trouble for me, are you?" Yzma asked.

Sarah looked up at her, their eyes meeting each other. "Depends on what you're going to do to me?" Sarah responded, crossing her arms.

Yzma just rolled her eyes in response before looking at the clipboard. "Very well, so how's your health been recently?"

Sarah raised a brow "pardon?"

"You know, anything I should know, cuts, broken bones, fever, aches, pains? the usual." Sarah looked dumbfounded by this. Was Yzma really concerned for her well being? "Not to my knowledge, why?"

Yzma began to write on her clipboard "no reason, just procedure." Sarah lowered her brow, villains don't do anything just because it's procedure. As Yzma finished up the sentence, she looked back up at Sarah. "Alright, with that out of the way, why don't we get to the main reason why I'm here." She stood and placed the clipboard back on the cart. Sarah's eyes winded a bit, unsure whether her words were a good or bad thing. She watched as yzma held up a stethoscope.

"You can relax for now, this is just a simple examination." And for the most part it was. All Sarah had to do was sit there as yzma went through a typical examination. Checking her reflexes, sight, smell, taste, reflexes, and hearing. "Good, good." She said taking the otoscope out of Sarah's left ear. "One last thing and then you'll be out of my hair." She smirked, placing the otoscope on the cart.

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