One - Sophie's POV

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A/N. Welcome. I apologize in advance for any grammar and/or spellings errors TvT. Oh well. Please don't bash Fitzy too much, I know he's not very likable in this story... also it would be nice if you don't cuss in the comments (yes, unfortunately Fitz is THAT bad). Anyway! Enjoy! - Peachy

Unmatchable. The word was burned into Sophie's brain. It wasn't fair that one word would change everything, even if she had been expecting this. It still hurt her more then she had thought. She would inevitably be a bad match. Doomed to scorn and distasteful glares for the rest of her life.

Her blue-violet eyes stung with unshed tears.

Because of the flaw in the matchmaking system, her parents never got married officially. Instead loving each other in the shadows. They had both died in a tragic firestorm caused by unruly fire breathing flaradactyls (a close relative to the tamer, non-fire-breathing, flaradons.).

Since both her parents died a month after she was born, no one knew who her mother was. (Though some had a few ideas as to who her dad was, as he had dropped her off at a daycare the day he died.).

Sophie would never have a normal life.

Thankfully she was adopted the next day by a loving couple, who already had a daughter of their own, Grady and Edaline Ruewen. 

"How did it go, kiddo?" Grady asked, knowing perfectly well how it went but was trying to act positive. "Not well." Sophie responded before bursting into tears and hugging her mom and dad.

"Sh, sh, sh. It's going to be okay." Edaline soothed.

"Yeah, and anyone who matters won't care a single bit." Grady promised.

"I know," Sophie admitted and she really hoped Grady was right. She wiped at her eyes. Not caring if she smudged her eyeliner.

                                                   —        —        —        —        —        —        —

"What?!" Sophie's boyfriend was pacing around and around his room. His stunned expression was all Sophie needed to know he wasn't taking it as well as she had hoped. "You do know what this means, right?" He asked, raking a hand through his brown wavy hair.

Sophie nodded.

"A one-hundred percent guarantee of being a bad match. No matter who you marry!" His teal eyes glinted with anger.

"Fitz—" Sophie tried.

"No! Don't 'Fitz' me. You don't understand." He said, taking her hands and sitting next to her on his bed. "I'm a Vacker and we Vackers are held to a higher standard then everyone else. I'm descended from the only Original Councilor who had kids." The way he looked into her eyes was almost desperate and Sophie didn't know what to do. "There has to be a way to find out who your parents ar—" He stopped himself. "Were." Fitz corrected. "I just can't imagine spending the rest of eternity knowing that I could've had you." His voice hitched.

"No, Fitz." Sophie stopped him from interrupting her by holding up her hand. "I've already tried. Hundreds of elves, and I mean HUNDREDS died in those firestorms. There is no possible way to figure out who they were. We can't even check their houses, because those burned down and new ones were built over where the old ones used to be."

Fitz sighed. "Well, when you put it that way." His expression shifted from desperate to... resigned. It made Sophie's heart sink into her toes.

Fitz leaned over and kissed her.

Unmatchable - a Sokeefe AUWhere stories live. Discover now