Chapter 3 - If you hex someone that is good..

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(Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HP|| Also, if words are in this, they are speaking in Greek)

Nico POV:

Draco being here made having to go to school less annoying. He is two years older than me, and left camp at 11 years old. We walk down the street, Draco filling me in on everything about Hogwarts.

"So there are four houses, and you're in Slytherin?" I say. Draco nods.

"Yeah, it is definitely the best house. The common rooms are in the dungeon!" He explains happily. "By the way, Nico. There are a lot of ghosts there, and they all are unregistered."

I groan and glare ahead of us. "So those are the ghosts dad was talking about.."

I hear a rustling behind us, and turn just in time to be hit with a spell. "Expelliarmus!" I hear Hermione say. My new wand and my ring fall away from me, and I get pushed to the ground.

"Nico!" Draco says stands next to me. "You good there?"

I wince and nod, standing up again. I stare daggers at the annoying trio. They all had their wands out and pointed at me. "What are you doing!?" I exclaim, annoyed.

"You're not Draco's brother, who are you?" Hermione says. I look at Draco, confused, but he looks just as annoyed as I was.

"Yes he is." Draco says. "Who are you to say he isn't?"

Hermione stares at Draco for a moment, conflicted. "Then why doesn't your father know who he is?" Ohhh, that is what this is about. I think and start smiling. I glanced at Draco and saw he figured it out as well. I raise my eyebrow and he chuckles.

"You see, mud-blood.." He starts, biting his lip, thinking. Ron growls and glares harder at Draco. "I am actually.. Adopted."

All three of their mouths drop open in surprise. "Wait.. You hypocrite! You call Hermione a mud-blood when you're not even pure yourself!" Ron yells

Draco scoffs. "I am still a pure-blood, just not a Malfoy." He says.

"What kind of name is Malfoy?" I smile. "Are you serious? That is even worse than Di Angelo."

Draco pretends to look hurt. "I think it is a great last name. Plus Mother's last name is good as well." He reaches down and grabs my ring from the ground. Thankfully I didn't have my sword on me, or I would have a lot of explaining to do.

"Can't you just leave us alone?" I say. "I do not want to keep on running into you when school hasn't even started."

Harry grumbles under his breath, but they all put there wands away and leave.

Soon, me and Draco make our way to platform 9 3/4. I look at the signs 9 and 10. "Draco, there is no platform." I say confused.

"Oh just run through that wall." He says nonchalantly. I look at him with confusion, but he runs straight into the wall and passes through it. Alright, let's not smash. I think as I close my eyes and sprint. When I open them again, I am somewhere completely different. A huge red train was in front of me and Draco.

"Woah.." I whisper. Draco smirks and we board.

When we find a compartment to our liking, I sit down next to the window. Draco sits next to me and smiles at me smugly. "How do you like it so far?" He asks.

I shrug. "It's fine, I could do without those brats." I say, annoyed. Draco nods in agreement.

"Yup, the gOldEn tRiO cant leave anyone alone." He says. I stare at him. "Pottah and his friends think they're so great."

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