Chapter 7 - Lol, Nico is being stalked

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(Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HP)

Hermione POV:

Harry had somehow gotten away from Malfoy before the potion wore off. He came back a few minutes before Nico woke up. Me and the boys were chatting when Nico let out a small groan. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times. When he realized he wasn't in the Slitherin dorms, he stood up abruptly, and looked across the room.

"Where am I?" He said. He immediately looked at Harry with a glare. I stepped between them and Nico simmered down a bit. "Wait, did you seriously kidnap me to ask if I was a Thanatos eater?" He asks in disbelief.

I struggled to find words. "Um.. Your brother was looking for you." I said to change the topic. Nico immediately turns to me, checks if I'm lying, and tries to bolt out the door. "Wait! Wait!" I call out, and Harry steps in front of the door to block Nico.

"What?" He snaps at me.

"We used Polyjuice potion so he wasn't too worried." Ron said. Nico stares at us. A few seconds goes by before he responds.

"I can't believe you guys." He says finally. "I literally haven't done anything to you, and you keep messing with me!" Harry scowls and I glare at him.

"If you weren't so suspicious, maybe we wouldn't!" He defended.

"I'm going to tell Draco what happened here." Nico says and walks closer to the door. But Harry doesn't move, instead, Ron whips out his wand and points it at Nico. The pale boy glares at Ron and Harry. "Are you serious?"

"Tell anyone what happened here," Harry says. "And you won't remember your name."

"That's a little far, Harry." I reason. Harry glares at Nico.

"I still think you're a Death-eater." Harry says.

"I still think your a as*hole." Nico replies. He shoves Harry out of the way of the door. "Now excuse me, I think I'm going to find some Thestrals." He opens the door and leaves, leaving us in the hut.

Harry looks at Ron, and I sigh. These two were going to be the death of me.


Great. We were stalking Nico again.

I created an invisibility potion for myself, because I didn't want to crowd into the cloak. We quickly ran out into the forest to find Nico, and it took several minutes to find him. By the time we did find him, at least ten Thestrals were crowding around him.

"Geez," Nico teases. "You're all so needy." One of the Thestrals hums in a high pitch in response. Nico chuckles.

A weird mist thing appears next to Nico, with a blonde boy visible. "Nico!" The boy cries out happily. Sighing, Nico turns to the mist screen with a smirk.

"Hey Will." He greets fondly.

"Woah, Are those Thestrals?" Will asks. So he can see them. I think as Nico nods.

"Why did you IM me, Will?" Nico says, staring at the blonde. The boy playfully pouts.

"Aw, You don't miss me?" Will asks teasingly. Nico, which I almost gasp, blushes madly and turns away. "I can't believe you don't miss me, Neeks!" Will says, faking hurt.

"Shut up, you dork." Nico says. Will shrugs.

"Actually, I do have a reason to call you." Will says. "Hecate says I need to join you on your quest. For some reason." He grins at Nico's shocked face. "Don't be so surprised, I know you missed me."

"Well, you wouldn't like it here." Nico scoffs. He looks around the woods, his eyes passing by us with no notice. "Harry and his friends think I'm a Death-eater, whatever that is." Will furrows in eyebrows in a thinking face.

"Well, isn't umbrakinesis like, dark magic?" He says. I hear a small gasp come for Ron. "Did you use any underworld-ly magic in front of them? I told you to use it only in emergencies!" Nico rolls his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, I'm serious! You could fade or be caught!" Will says sternly.

"Will, I'm not going to fade." Nico says with a scoff. "And I'm careful, they won't catch me."

Will looks skeptical. "Well, when I get there in two days, you better still be alive." He says. "Or I'll never forgive you." Nico rolls his eyes and smiles at Will. "Now, I love you. Goodbye." He says. Nico salutes and waves his hand through the mist, dissipating it.

He turns back to the Thestrals. "Now, do you want anything else?" He waits a moment. "No? Alright." He steps under a tree and sinks into the shadows. He appears a few branches up and looks around before doing the shadow thing again.

We wait there for a moment to see if he appears again, but he does not. The two boys take the cloak off as my potion wears off.

"Are you serious?" Ron asks after a moment. "He can travel through shadows?"

"So that's how he moved so quickly then." Harry whispers. He looks over at me. "It seems to drain his energy though, so he probably can't do it too many times, or a too far distance away." I nod and watch the Thestrals leave the clearing.

"I say we try and find him, to see what the dark magic does to his energy." Ron says. I sigh and follow the two imbeciles.

We left the forest quickly, as the afternoon was turning to evening. When we go to the field, we see in the distance Nico reappears out of a shadow by the building. He stumbles forward. "So I was right, it does take up his energy." Harry says. We started walking towards the Owlery to not seem suspicious, but we watched Nico out of the corner of our eyes.

We see Draco walk around, see Nico, and help him get up. They could see the blonde boy fuss over his brother even from so far away.

They walked a little closer, but not too close the two could see them. "Nico! ....need to.....doing that!" I heard Draco say. He handed Nico, who was looking a little woozy, a bottle of something, which the boy drank gratefully. We got closer.

"Sorry, I thought it was fine." He said quietly. Draco huffed and started pulling Nico in the direction of the entrance.

"Well it wasn't." Draco says. "You can't do that all the time. What if you travel too far and I'm not there to heal you? You could fade." Nico sighs and follows Draco inside the castle.

I turn to look at the two boys. "Looks like we have some studying to do."

<^> To Be Continued

(1k words)

lol. haha.

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