Chapter 6 - Nico and Thestrals

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(Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HP)

Harry POV:

I take out the Marauder's Map and open it up. Ron had told me that we couldn't trust Draco, so we were still suspicious. I saw Nico on the map alone. I searched for Draco and found him in the Slytherin common rooms. I looked back at Nico and saw him---- nowhere. What? He was just next to the Charms room. I search again.

He was all the way close to DADA. Which was almost all the way across the castle from Charms. I blink, trying to see if I imagined it. No, Nico had somehow traveled a distance, that should've taken twenty minutes, in less than one.

I immediately went to grab my cloak. I looked down at the map, he hasn't moved. I threw the cloak on and hurriedly ran to where he was.

When I got there, I was surprised. In front of me was Nico, but he was sitting down, back against the wall, hugging his knees and yawning. Yes, Nico Di Angelo, was just crouching on the floor. He was mumbling nonsense as well.

"Nico?" I say, taking off the cloak, confused. He looks up and yawns. Then he yawns again, and looks like he was about to fall asleep. "Nico, what are you doing here?" He doesn't hear me. I sigh. He wasn't going to answer me, and I had no way of getting him back to his room.

"Nico?" I hear from behind me. Draco. I turn just as he walks into the hallway. He looks down at his sleeping brother, and me above him. "What did you do to him." He says with anger.

Quickly, I whip out my wand and cast a spell. "Obliviate." I say. Draco's eyes glaze over and he freezes. When they clear, he blinks and looks at me with confusion.

"Harry? Where are we-" He doesn't finish.

"Imperio." I say. A green mist flows out of my wand and over to Draco. Again, Draco eyes glaze over, but stay glazed over. He stays still and doesn't move. (Ik it doesn't make sense that Harry's using this spell but leave it be plz ToT)

"Help move Nico." I ordered. Draco stiffly walks forward and picks up Nico piggyback just like earlier. The boy in question makes a few mumbling sentences before falling asleep again. I think. Where should we go? Back to their dorms is out of the question, and to the Griffindoor's would bring too many questions. Hagrid's. I decided. "Follow me quietly." I tell the charmed Draco.

I walk closely in the shadows and be as quickly and quietly as I can, I pass the DADA room. Thankfully, no one was there, so I left the hallway and exited the building.

It took a while to get there, since I had to pass the Griffindoor tower and West Wing, but I finally got to Hagrid's hut around 12 pm. I knock on the door and Hagrid opens it. He takes one look at me, the sleeping Nico, and the spelled Draco and rushed us inside.

Soon, Nico was lying on the couch with Draco sitting next to him, while me and Hagrid talked by the pot over the fire.

"Harry, do you 'ave any idea what ya have done?" Hagrid scolds me. "Put Draco, a Malfoy, under the imperius curse? Are you insane?" I wince and look over at Draco, who was staring in the fire with a far away look in his eyes.

"We can just do Obliviate afterwards, right?" I reason. "He won't know." Hagrid sighs and turns to his stew.

"It's the fact that you know you did it." Hagrid states. He takes a spoonful of his stew and walks over to Draco. "Open your mouth." The boy did, and Hagrid fed him the stew. After the half-giant came back to Harry, he gave the golden boy a look.

"Okay, I won't use it again.. Unless it's very necessary." I say. Hagrid sighs and gestures to Nico.

"That's the new kid, I reckon?" Hagrid asks. I nod.

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