Chapter 5 - Pink Toads are stupid.

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(Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HP|| If they say words like this, they are speaking Greek)

Nico/Third person POV:

They were ignoring me. It's not like I cared.. but I kinda did. It only added to the suspicion that someone saw me in the astrology tower, which Draco still thought was just paranoia.

Every time I went into a hallway, at least one girl/boy came up to flirt. It was annoying, but I couldn't get out of it.

There was one more thing I hated about Hogwarts. Defense Against the Dark Arts. With the toad.

When the teacher entered, I knew it was going to be bad. She smiled at the frowning faces of the students, as she had just destroyed a paper bird. She walked to the front of the class. "Good morning, children." She says. When she got no reply, she cleared her throat. "When I say, Good Morning, you all say, Good morning, Miss Umbridge." She waits.

"Good morning, Miss Umbridge." The class says, except me of course. Sadly, she noticed.

"Ah, it seems we have a new student!" She says in a sickly sweet tone. "Please respond to me by saying the following, Good morning, Miss Umbridge." I scowl.

"No thanks." I say. She gives me another smile, which I could see the anger in her face, but magically hands out books anyway.

"These are Ministry approved books, carefully structured for students like you." She says and looks at Hermione, who had raised her hand. "What is it dear?"

"Miss Umbridge, there is nothing in this book about Defense spells." Hermione says. The 'professor' smiles again.

"Oh, why, I can't think of a reason to use such spells in my classroom." She responds. "This is a safe environment, now, please flip to page 202." After we all pretend to read the book, as I actually couldn't read. She writes something on the board, which I couldn't see. "Mr. Angelo, what is the answer to this question?"

"I can't read that, Ma'am." I say, putting poison into the word 'ma'am'.

"And why not, Angelo?" She says with her annoying smile. I close my eyes and smile, annoyed. My eyes were twitching in rage.

"I'm dyslexic. And if you're going to call me by my last name, I would like it if you say it correctly." I say. "It's Di Angelo."

"That hardly matters. But as you are, ah, not from here, I will teach you to the best of my ability even with your language problem." She says. By now I was shaking with anger. She dared to bring up that my nationality was a problem?

"Are you saying that me being Italian is a problem?" I ask with venom.

"It certainly isn't helping." She replies as though she didn't just be racist to my face. "You can come up front if you can't see." I could feel the shadows start to swirl around.

"Ma'am, that's not how it works." I try to explain. "If you don't know, being dyslexic means that it's hard for me to read words no matter how far away they are. Or are you to stupid to understand that?" Some students snicker and the Teacher goes red.

"That is detention, Angelo!" She almost shrieks. "My office, after classes."

(cause I'm lazy, let's skip to after Harry gets detention as well and after classes)

When I enter the office, I almost throw up. It was way too pink for my liking. Harry was already there, and when Miss Umbitc- I mean Miss Umbridge sees me, she smiles.

"Ah, Mr. Angelo." She says. "Please, take a seat." I grimace at the wallpaper and sit in the seat in the front of the classroom next to Harry's. "Now, Mr. Potter, you will be writing, 'I must not tell lies.' And Mr. Angelo, you will write, 'I will respect my teacher." Harry looked across his table for a moment, but I already knew what he was looking for, and why it was gone.

"You haven't given us any ink." He says. Umbridge looks at him again.

"Oh, you wont need any ink." And turns away. I sigh, and start writing. So does Harry, but he was confused. Soon, just as I thought, I felt a sizzling sensation on the back of my hand. I stay quiet, and let this message etch into my skin. This was nothing compared to any of my other injuries, so I continued to write without any sign of pain.

On the other hand, I heard Harry make pained noises next to me. I look up at him with a really? face. I go back to writing.

Umbridge comes up to me and checks my hand. It was bleeding badly, the dark red staining the white cloth below it. I look up at her with a bored face. "Is this all the punishment? You may as well have grounded me." I say in monotone. She stares at me in shock.

"You- you can go now." She stutters. "You too, Mr. Potter." I shrug and look at Harry, whose hand was barely damaged and was clutching it like it was severed. I stood up and left the room, Harry quickly after me. As I started walking down to the dungeons, Harry stopped me.

"Do you want to go to the infirmary for your hand?" He asks. "It's dripping across the floor." I look down at the floor and sure enough, red droplets are becoming a puddle on the floor.

"Sure, whatever." I shrug. I follow him to the infirmary, where the nurse fusses over us both and patches our hands up. Especially fussing over me.

"Deary, why did you let it bleed so much!" Madam Pomfrey says. "My, my. And what's with these words?" She shakes her head in disappointment. Soon, both me and Harry's hands were covered, and we started our walk.

"You're really strange, you know." Harry says out of the blue. I don't even turn or look at him before replying.

"I get that a lot." I say. He stands in front of me and looks directly in my eyes.

"I know who your father is." He says threateningly. My eyes widen and I step back. There's no way, right? Draco said no way. Harry takes a step closer to me and I take another step back. "I can't believe they dare let you into this school. You shouldn't be alive." He says in disgust. I start breathing heavily and slump down onto the ground. Soon, I'm hyperventilating.

Harry looks down at me with panic, looking towards someone I can't see. I feel a tight hug coing from someone, but I pay no attention. I assume it was Hermione or Draco or someone, but I was too caught up with Harry's accusation. But then I hear a charm being cast.

"(name of sleeping charm cause idk what it is)." Someone says.

Draco POV:

I was walking back from class when I heard someone hyperventilating in the next hallway. I immediately turned to see my brother slumped down on the floor, and Harry standing over him. I rushed over.

"What did you do?!" I yell at the golden boy. He looks conflicted. I crouch down next to Nico and hug him tightly. "Nico, you're fine." I say. I see Hermione and Ron appear out of nowhere, but I don't care. Nico's eyes were wild and his entire body was shaking from his heavy breathing.

"Oh my gods, fine." I say and pull out my wand. "(Sleeping charm yes yes haha)." He immediately closed his eyes and collapsed. I turn to face the trio. "What happened."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all look severely guilty. "I just told him I knew who his dad was." Harry says, eyeing me. "Who your dad is." I stare at him like I would stare at a rat doing a ballet performance.

I breathe out. "Oh, gee, then who is my dad?" I say sarcastically. Harry stares me dead in the eye.

"Voldemort." He says. I stared at him for a few seconds, to see if he was joking.

"Are you serious?" I say. "I tell you I'm adopted and you think my actual father is that nose-less slob?" The trio looked down at their feet in shame. "How did you even get to that conclusion?" Hermione stared pointedly at the other two. They said nothing. I sigh, and pick up Nico piggyback style. "I'm going to take this one back to our room. When you are ready to tell this truth-" I stop because Nico's head fell slightly. "Come and find us."

I leave them standing there in shame.

<^> To Be Continued

(1.4k words)



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