[ 014 ] void.

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chapter fourteen, void.
[ season nine, episode twelve ]

THEO AND AARON STAND side-by-side as they gather around the council table. A radio set up sits atop the wooden table.

"Who else knew about this?" Michonne demands.

"Just Eugene, Rosita. . ." Gabriel glances at Theo, "and Jax."

Theo groans, pressing his hand against his forehead.

"We would have told you if we found someone out there but we didn't." Gabriel says.

"Then who knows who else was listening?" Michonne questions.

"We weren't being careless with it." Gabriel says angrily though grit teeth.

Theo's eyes snap wide at the sudden aggression Gabriel doesn't hesitate to display.

"Oh, shit." Theo mumbles as a look of angry surprise flashes across his mother's face.

"Rosita and Eugene went out to set up this relay and almost died because of it. Jesus did die because of it!" Michonne raises her eyebrows. "Do you understand what that means? Cori and Flynn are going to go batshit crazy whenever they see these Skins. Cori is angry, Gabriel. And she leads the Hilltop now. What do you think that means for us?" She continues, "and not to mention, Negan got out while you were distracted because of it!"

She then turns to face the others. "I can't do my job if the council is keeping things from me."

"We gave you the power to veto the council based on security concerns, but now everything is security concern. So our votes don't matter anymore, unless you agree with them," Gabriel snaps.

"Careful, Gabriel," Theo's voice is low as he speaks up. "Do you need a reminder as to why we have such strict security protocols?"

"Theo," Michonne says firmly. She then turns her attention back to Gabriel. "Putting ourselves out there when we don't have to is dangerous!"

"So is cutting us off from the rest of the world," Gabriel continues to argue. "Who are we supposed to turn to when we need help? We can't be so worried about finding enemies that we lose our friends."

"And we did lose a friend," Aaron cuts in. "Look, we all set out with the best intentions, but that doesn't change what happened. There's a new enemy out there, and they're exactly what Michonne was afraid we'd find. I don't regret the time I spent out there with Jesus— I don't. I don't regret keeping Odessa, Brielle, and Koda's whereabouts from you. And what happened. . . maybe that woulda happened anyway."

"Maybe," Gabriel says.

"But now we know what's out there and we can't pretend otherwise. We put Michonne in charge of security for a reason. Her judgement has saved us time and again." Aaron says.

"Yes, but at what cost?" Siddiq steps up. Michonne looks to him. "We saw Carol when we were at the Hilltop. And she told me that she tried asking Michonne for help with the fair
again, and she said that you turned her down."

"You spoke on behalf of Alexandria?" Gabriel asks, his voice accusing.

"The question of the trade fair is old business," Michonne raises her hand to Gabriel.

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