[ 029 ] no longer merciful.

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chapter twenty-nine, no longer merciful.
[ season ten, episode seven ]

THEO REMEMBERS WHEN THE flu broke out at the prison. He remembers the sound of people coughing from A-block. He remembers hearing of Odessa, Glenn, and Sasha coming down with it and miraculously surviving. He remembers how worried he was for all of them. He remembers helping Hershel and Michonne go out to burn bodies and. . . he tries so hard to forget the sound of Michonne's katana slicing through Hershel's neck, his father holding the blade. Theo shouted beneath his gag, terrified and shocked. The way it felt when Theo pushed Michonne's katana through his father's chest in order to save Rick's life.

And now, ten years later, another mysterious illness has made Alexandria its home. Theo can't even count the amount of people sick on both hands. Rosita is one of them. But not Jax, thank whatever God there is. Theo isn't sure if he would be able to make it without his husband.

He and Jax have been helping Dante and Siddiq in the infirmary as much as possible, but it's difficult with Jax being in the cellar often with Lydia and Mara, and Theo being the most important Alexandria guard.

At the current moment, Theo walks back to his and Jax's home down the road. He's going to eat lunch then go back. But something snags his full attention as someone, three someone's walk past him.

"Uh," Theo stops walking, head turning so his eyes can follow Carol and Daryl. In one hand of Daryl, is an arm. And that arm is attached to a Whisperer. Theo stares for a moment. Baffled and stunned. "What?"

He has no idea what to say. So his blue eyes just follow them as they enter the cellar. He then watches as Mara and Lydia emerge with an equally confused Jax behind them.

Moments later, Carol emerges, approaching Mara, Lydia, and Jax. And then Gabriel approaches. And then Daryl.

Theo just watches, having nothing to say to anyone in the situation. Jax turns away mid conversation, eyes locking on his husband. Relief floods his eyes. Theo watches with amused eyes as Jax speed walks towards him.

"What's going on?" Theo asks as Jax finally reaches him.

"Gabriel is not happy about them bringing a Whisperer here." Jax says.

"Understandable." Theo replies. "Mom probably won't be too happy."

"He said the council work agree with keeping him here." Jax says. "But Mara says he was one that watched the horde."

Theo's eyes snap to him. "What?"

"Yeah, the dude watched them, like dogs or something. But I'm sure Daryl and Carol are gonna torture him for information." Jax says as if it's just a regular Tuesday for them. And truly, it kind of is. "Wanna eat lunch together?"

"I was headed there actually." Theo grins.

The two walk back home and make their lunches in silence. Only when they start to eat does Theo speak up, "I got off the radio with Odessa earlier."

Theo glances up from his plate. "Yeah?"

"Brielle is alive. She made it back home." Theo informs him. Jax feels a weight lift from his shoulders. He has only met his niece once but from what he can tell she is an amazing girl. "But," Theo sucks in a breath. "She was bit."

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