Chapter 1: The Idea

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Simba paced back and forth. "We need to stop this fighting!" He shouted. "I know that Simba, but we don't know how," Nala replied.

"I have an idea," Kion said. Nala and Simba looked at him. "We could do a peace treaty. I could go to the five kingdoms and ask them to come here," Kion suggested.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Kiara said. "But I don't want you to get hurt. What if they attack you?" Simba asked.

"I can defend myself dad," Kion replied. Nala looked at Simba. "Alright son, but take the Lion Guard with you," Simba said. Kion nodded and ran to the lair.

"Lion Guard!" Kion shouted. "What's up Kion?" Bunga asked. "Tomorrow morning we are traveling to the five other kingdoms for a peace treaty," Kion explained.

"Are you serious?" Fuli asked. Kion nodded. "This is unbungaleavable!" Bunga shouted. "Hmn sounds fun," Ono said. "Yup," Anga replied. "I can't wait to meet new animals," Beshte smiled.

"Ok, let's rest up for tomorrow, we are going to need it," Kion said. The Lion Guard nodded.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 1 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now