Chapter 11: The Sun Pride Arrives

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Kion woke up. Everyone was still asleep. Kion walked out of the lair.

Kion was so confused from the Night before. First, Rani was aggressive, then kind, then aggressive again. Kion was so confused.

"Lionesses can change attitude so fast," Kion rolled his eye's. He went on a run. Running always helped Kion think.

Rani and her parents woke up. Sahasi and Ananda talked with Simba and Nala. Rani just went exploring. She wanted to see what the Pridelands had.

Rani saw so many animals that weren't at the Tree Of Life. Rani took a break, and went to a watering hole. Rani drank the water.

Rani noticed another lioness not to far from her. She walked up to the lioness.

"Hi who are you?" Rani asked. "I'm Kiara, Kion's older sister," Kiara smiled, "Who are you?" "I'm Rani," Rani replied.

"I love your name!" Kiara said. "Thanks," Rani smiled. "Want to play a game?" Kiara asked. "Sure," Rani smiled.

While Rani and Kiara played a game, Kion went back to Priderock. He saw Sol, Siria, and Oriana. Kion walked up Priderock.

"Kion!" Siria ran up and hugged him. "Hi Siria," Kion smiled. "Hi Sol, Hi Oriana," Kion said. "Hi Kion," Sol replied. Kion sat beside his parents.

"We will wait for the other kingdoms to arrive, then we can do the peace treaty," Simba said, "For now, explore, and settle in." Sol and Oriana dipped their heads and walked off. Siria followed them.

Kion sat at the edge of Priderock overlooking the Pridelands. He saw Rani and his sister.

Simba sat next to Kion. "What are you looking at son?" Simba asked. "Rani and Kiara," Kion replied. Simba raised an eyebrow at Kion.

"No dad, I don't like Rani. I've made that pretty clear," Kion said. "Alright alright," Simba chuckled. Kion looked back at his sister and Rani.

Simba walked away from Kion.

Kion walked off Priderock, and into the lion guard lair. The sun was setting, and Kion was getting tired.

Rani and Kiara walked back to Priderock. "Night Rani!" Kiara said walking up Priderock. "Night!" Rani went into the Lion Guard lair.

Rani curled into a ball and fell asleep.

As Rani was sleeping, she had a nightmare.
Rani breathed heavily, and screamed every few seconds. She twisted and turned. She kept twitching. Rani screamed again.

Kion's ears perked up. He heard screaming. Kion jumped up. He saw the screaming was coming from Rani. She was tossing and turning.

Kion walked up to Rani. He nudged her awake. Rani opened her eyes to seeing Kion.

Rani screamed and ran out of the lair.

"What the heck?" Kion was so confused. He ran after her.

Kion caught up to Rani and pinned her down. "Are you ok?" He asked. Rani screamed again and pushed him off her. Rani clawed at him.

Kion roared with rage. He attacked Rani. Rani screamed again.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 1 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now