Chapter 14: Baylands Arrives

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Today, Rani woke up first. She knew she threatened Kion, but she wanted to make sure he didn't try and pull any pranks on her.

Rani looked at Kion's ledge. The golden lion was still sleeping. Rani walked out of the lair.

Kion heard pawsteps. He opened his eyes and saw Rani leaving the lair. Kion stood up and stretched. He walked out of the lair.

As Kion was walking out, Rani turned around, and jumped infront of him. She growled, "Don't try to pull the snake prank again!" "Actually, I might. You looked pretty cute when you were scared," Kion smirked.

Rani was shocked that he said that. "Don't call me that," Rani growled. "Alright alright," Kion replied. Rani walked off toward Kiara.

Kion himself was shocked at what he said. He never expected himself to say that. Kion walked up Priderock. Kion was waiting for the other prides to arrive. Just the Baylands, and the Starlight Pride were left.

After a few hours, Aponi, the queen of the Baylands arrived at the Pridelands.

"Hi Aponi. How are you?" Kion asked. "I'm doing fine," Aponi replied. "C'mon I'll bring you to my dad," Kion said. He led Aponi to Priderock.

Aponi talked with Simba and Nala while Kion went on a run.

Kion closed his eyes, and felt the wind blow through his fur. But closing his eyes was a mistake. Kion heard a scream. He crashed into something. They tumbled down a hill. Kion fell ontop of the animal.

Kion opened his eyes. He had crashed into Rani. "Hey get off me!" Rani growled. "I'm sorry Rani, I didn't mean to," Kion apologized. He got off Rani. "Stop crashing into me and start looking where your going," Rani growled.

Rani walked off. Kion continued his run, but this time be didn't close his eyes.

The Sun started setting over the Pridelands. Rani layed down watching the sunset. Kion walked up to her.

"Rani, I uh, I'm sorry about, uh, earlier," Kion stampered. "Do you ever look where your going?" Rani rolled her eyes. She sat up.

"Well, sometimes I get so caught up in my run, that I just lose focus," Kion explained. "Then stop running," Rani said. "Since when do I take orders from you?" Kion asked.

Rani pinned him down and put her claws to his neck. "Since now," She chuckled. Rani let Kion up. "I'm not going to stop running Rani, it helps keep me in shape," Kion said.

"Then it's not doing a very good job," Rani replied. Kion growled and stormed off to the Lion Guard Lair.

Kiara walked up to Rani. "Did you just call my brother out of shape?" Kiara asked. Rani nodded. Kiara shook her head and chuckled. "What?" Rani asked.

"The hate you two have for each other is adorable," Kiara said. Rani grimaced, "I don't like him Kiara!" "Yes, I know that, but it's just funny how you two keep trying to prove you hate each other," Kiara said.

"Well, like I said before, hating him is the greatest joy in my life," Rani replied. "C'mon let's go," Kiara chuckled. The two lionesses went back to Priderock.

Kion and Rani: Peace Brought Us Together (Book 1 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now