two: my new friend

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The office was pretty chill today and I just watched Netflix majority of the time. After the Poole family, my dad only had three more patients to see and we were out of the office before closing time. I was currently taking my scrubs off when I hear my phone ding. A smile cracks on my face when I see that it's a message from Jordan.


are you busy?

I was about to take a shower, why?

I wanted to see if you want to
watch Grey's together

My house or yours?

I'll come over to yours if that ok
with you and your dad

I click my phone off and open my bedroom door.



"Is it ok for Jordan to come over?"

"And what will y'all be doing?"

"Watching Grey's Anatomy."

"So Netflix and chilling oh no ma'am not on my watch."

"But dad this is my first friend in Napa and you were pushing me to make friends."

"True but you two will be in the living room no if ands or buts about it."

"Yes sir."

"You can tell him he can come over."

"Thanks daddy."

I send Jordan our address and tell him to give me some time to take a shower. He sends back that's he's going to head out since I live on a different side of town. Pulling on my dresser I decide on shorts and a pullover just so my legs stay cool. Grabbing my speaker I put on a random playlist before stepping into the warm water.

• • •

The doorbell goes off and my dad rushes to the door pushing me out of the way. I tumble a little bit but catch myself before I hit the ground or bump into something. The door opens and I smile seeing Jordan on the other side smiling and looking very comfortable.

"Why hello Jordan

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"Why hello Jordan."

"Hey Dr. Avery, Hey Rj", he smiles.

I blush letting my head fall down to look at my white toes. I don't understand why I'm so nervous I just meet him earlier today. He's just so cute I don't know what to do with myself. My dad opens the door wider for him to step it and he removes his sneakers by the door. I guess he got the memo when he saw that me and my dad are in our house shoes. Next he does the unexpected and gives me a tight hug.

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