It's Only Me Who Wants To Wrap Around Your Dreams

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Nassau Colosseum
Uniondale, New York
Sunday, February 27, 1977
(6:00 pm)

"Jesus Christ, Christine! You look green! Are you sure you're going to be okay out there tonight?"

Stevie was in the middle of applying a second coat of mascara when Christine emerged from a stall in the bathroom and headed over to the sink to rinse her mouth out after very audible vomiting. Stevie and Robin had exchanged a look of grossed-out-yet-intrigued when they heard it, and it was Robin who handed Christine paper towels when she was done at the sink.

"You don't look okay, Christine," Robin added. "I mean, you look great...not like that...but you look like you're sick as a dog! Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm just going to lay off the wine and see what happens," Christine said, tossing the crumpled paper towel into the trash. "It'll be easy; alcohol has been tasting funny to me for awhile anyhow."

Stevie closed the cap on her mascara and suddenly thought back to a Saturday night in late 1974 when Richard had walked into the living room where she'd sat with Lindsey watching The Mary Tyler Moore Show with a case of beer as an apology for interrupting their amorous activities earlier that day. Stevie had taken exactly three sips of Heineken before running to the bathroom and throwing up until she saw stars. A trip to her gynecologist a week later had confirmed why.

"Hey Chris..." Stevie moved closer to her conspiratorially. "You're not..."

"Not what? Jesus, Stevie, I'm getting sick and tired of being told I look bad tonight!"

"No, no...I mean..." Stevie looked at Robin, who nodded in encouragement of her question. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

Christine tossed her head back in a guffaw. "Oh my goodness! Stevie, you have to have sex to get pregnant! Johnny and I have not exactly been...into it, shall we say."

"Bullshit, Christine!" Robin shouted, the echo of the bathroom tiles making it sound louder. She lowered her voice and said, "I was there on New Years Eve when you guys left the can't tell me after all that handsiness you two just went home and watched the Guy Lombardo special on TV!" Robin laughed, as did Stevie.

"Guilty as charged, Robin, but still..." Christine had the facial expression of a person doing math in their head. Stevie and Robin were both trying to stifle giggles. "Son of a bitch!"

"Hey, don't talk about your child's mother that way!" Robin teased, and that was enough to send both Stevie and herself back over the edge, laughing hysterically.

"Shut up!" Christine playfully hit both of her friends on the arm. "This is serious! This is opening night of the tour, for fuck sake!"

Stevie and Robin looked at each other again, and in unison, began singing, " make loving fun..."

"You guys suck," Christine said, but she was laughing too.

In two hours, Fleetwood Mac was going to take the stage at Nassau Colosseum for the first night of the Rumors tour. Rumors had been out for exactly twenty-three days, and it was already selling like wildfire. The tour promised to be a long one, and this time, Stevie had promised Lindsey the other night in bed, she was going to "tour smart," trying as hard as she could to remember to eat at mealtimes and take care of her voice. Robin had agreed to come along for the tour, and all Stevie had had to do to convince the promoters Robin was integral to the tour was to explain her B.S. in Speech Pathology and told them she was the reason why she was still able to sing herself raw every night, including the out-of-body experience that was the last three dramatic minutes of a live version of "Rhiannon" that made the audience's hair stand on end every time.

Buckingham Nicks A/U Series Part 2: DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now