I See A Crystal Vision

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Venice Beach, California
Friday, September 30, 1977
(10:00 pm)

"Because I don't have time to unpack shit around here if I'm always away from home, Robin! Use your head, for Christ sake!"

Stevie stood in the middle of the bedroom, surrounded by clothes on the bed and floor, the latter of which Ginny was having a ball rolling around in as she was a dog and the big pile of clothing smelled like her mom. Stevie wore Lindsey's Rolling Stones t-shirt - which she considered to be her own - with a pair of gray track shorts and her bare feet, hair piled high on her head as she packed for San Diego and talking to Robin, who sat on the edge of the bed and was giving her shit about her only partially unpacked house.

"Stevie, you're worth more money than I'll ever see," Robin said. "You can hire people to do it." She drank from her glass of wine and watched her best friend roll her eyes.

"Yeah, I can just hear Barbara now... 'Oh, dear! It means something when you start to hire people to do the simplest of tasks for you, Teedee-bird.'"

Robin laughed at Stevie's accurate impression of her frugal mother. "Yeah, I know, I know." Robin turned her attention to the television at the other end of the room to begin watching the episode of Quincy, M.E. playing in the background, but there was a commercial break. Stevie turned back to her closet as Robin squinted her eyes to look closely at the TV. "Hey Stevie, look! This is the movie!"

The television was showing the commercial that was the trailer for the movie Julia starring Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave. Robin had seen the commercial at home in bed two nights ago with Kim, and poked him awake and told him the movie was almost exactly her friendship with Stevie. Kim had smiled and turned over in bed saying, "Jane Fonda, huh? Yup, sounds about right for you guys." Kim loved Stevie, and he loved their friendship.

Stevie stood at the door to the walk-in closet, arms folded, eyes glued to the screen. When the commercial was over she said, "Oh, when I get a day off we are going to see that! Holy shit!" She went back to her project in the closet.

"I'm getting a refill downstairs," Robin announced, rising from the bed with her empty wine glass in hand. "Want another?"

"No thanks, hon. I'm good," Stevie said, her voice muffled in the closet. "Actually..." She crept out of the closet, stepping over piles of clothes. "Could you do me a favor and take that bowl of popcorn down with you and leave it in the kitchen? The smell of the popcorn is making my stomach turn."

"You said that about the chicken salad I brought you today too," Robin recalled. Stevie grimaced.

"Ugh, shit, don't remind me!" She put her hand over her forehead. "I think I'm getting sick. It figures...I'm barely sleeping or eating anything again out there...in fact, don't tell Lindsey. He watches me like a hawk with that stuff ever since the last tour."

"Oh man, I'm sorry," Robin said. Standing in the doorway, she said, "Last chance for wine."

"Oh God, Robin, don't even say wine to me..." Stevie attempted to walk across a pile of her clothes and became suddenly unsteady, grabbing the dresser to keep from falling. Robin raced back into the room.

"Stevie, you okay? Fuck!" She looked closely at Stevie, who looked pale as a sheet.

"I'm okay...just please get rid of that popcorn!" She walked herself slowly to the bed to sit down. Sensing the urgency, Robin set the wine glass and popcorn bowl on the floor outside the bedroom door and came back in. She took a seat beside Stevie.

"Stevie, I'm going to ask you a question but I don't want you to freak out." Robin looked seriously at her best friend and asked, "Have you had your period recently?"

Buckingham Nicks A/U Series Part 2: DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now