2 🫶🏾

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I got into my brother's car after long hugs w DDot. I sat was sat and he was blasting music I took a boomerang of us before putting it on my story.

We pull up to our driveway. I open the door and run up the stairs to find an outfit for tonight. I look through my wardrobe until Trey calls me.


"Yes Trey?"

"I'm ordering food Whatchu want?"

"Can I have a burger n fries?"


"Thanks Trey"

"No problem"

I sit in my bed after picking my outfit eating my food until I check my phone and its already 7:20pm. I get up and run to the shower to get washed and everything.

I finish and do my skincare before sipping my drink and doing my hair, then I put my dress on its 7:50pm and I haven't got my make up up.

I put my make-up on and after 10 mins I'm doing my lashes before Trey bursts in my room.

"Whatchu doing bro hurry up!"

"Hold on man!"

I get up and run downstairs putting my shoes on when we got outside I asked Trey to take a picture before we got in the car. After he did we were on our way and I was uploading the picture.



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@Sugarhillindi: On Friday we were Blue 💙

@Sugarhillddot: das my bestie bestie🫶🏾
↪️She so friendlyyyy 🫶🏾

@DDosama: Nice mh
↪️ Thanks DD

@T.reezy: Lil sis 🫶🏾
↪️ Big bro 🫶🏾


I walked into the party and saw ddot smoking a blunt while talking to dd. I ran up to him and hugged him.

( have yall seen how tall ddot is at 14 bro THEY SAME AGE BTW she aint Kgunna😂)

He smiled at me before spinning me around hyping me up I laughed and took his blunt inhaling I before passing it back. After say hello to like 100 people I was dancing. After like 10 songs I was exhausted so I sat next to ddot.

"Yo you good indi?"

"Bro I just danced to 920 songs I'm tired as shit"

He laughed at me as he gave me a sip of his drink. I took a few pictures w him and then dd made his way slumping in his chair. That nigga was out of it. He was high as fuck. I laughed as he lay his head in his arms.

I walked off while dd and ddot were talking and decided to see my other bestie Jayklickin.


"Hey lil girl!"

"Don't even megamind"

He gave me a death stare before laughing with me, I hugged him and we talked.

"Bro I love your song Pain I listened to it in class w ddot and then I got sent out bro"

"Pay attention in class then indiyah"

He laughed and hugged me before going to talk to my brother. I'll ask him inna bit if ddot can stay over as he can't get drunk cuz he driving dumbass.

I went back to the dance floor before I felt someone grab my hand spin me round. You already knew who it was with ddots loud ass hyping you up. As soon as it hit 10 Trey decided to take me home before we went I asked if ddot could come.


"What do you want Inidyah"

"Can ddot come?"

"Just this once he gotta see his mom bro yall always by eachother"

I smiled and pulled ddot with me we ran to Treys car and sat in the back talking after a bit ddot was asleep on my shoulder I was on my phone. When Trey pulled up I shook ddot to wake up.

He got up wiping his eyes, I opened the door and ran out before running into the kitchen. I gotta get snacks for me and ddot cuz everything he sleeps over we watch movies or make tik toks.

I grabbed loads of snacks when I opened my door I ddot was on his phone scrolling thru tik tok.

"Are you gonna get changed, I washed all the clothes you have left here theyre on the right side in my wardrobe"

He grabbed grey basketball shorts and a white wifebeater. Before going into the bathroom to have a shower n get dressed in the guest bathroom. I went into my bathroom got showered and put on hello kitty shorts and a white tank top.

We got into my bed and I put on Friday ddot said that I was Craig and He was smokey I laughed cuz it was tru except I did actually smoke. Talking about smoking ddot was lighting a blunt. He passed it to me while exhaling smoke.

I inhaled and exhaled passing it back.



"Can u pass me some chocolateee"


I finished my chocolate and we were watching blue streak after a while I felt tired and my eyes were heavy u fell asleep hugging my pillow.


Give me suggestions Vote and Comment if u want not forcing 🫶🏾

I'll start making longer chapters I gotta get up at 8:30am I should sleep bro ima get 5 hrs of sleep

If I don't post it's cuz I got school + Football love u 🫶🏾

Bestfriend 🙇🏽‍♀️; SUGARHILLDDOTWhere stories live. Discover now