29 🫶🏽

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𝐈 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 an arm around me as I woke up I looked beside me seeing ddot passed the fuck out. I sat up and ddot opened his eyes slowly, he looked up at me smiling.

"Lay back down wimmie mama"

Pizza box who? I smiled laying back down and falling back asleep in the warmth of his body.


Mia shook us awake and I sat up


I managed to squeak out as I hadn't fully awaken yet

"Edot ordered food he told me to get yall and dd wants to go to the court inna bit"

Mia said before leaving the room I sat uo and yawned making my way to the bathroom before realising I forgot to tell Trey what I did yesterday.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before going into treys room shutting the door and grabbing my diary and telling him everything.

I also told him I was thinking of making another song for him I'm not sure though. I shrugged the thought off for the moment and put the diary away before leaving the room and going back to mine.

I looked over to my bed seeing it tidy and ddot sat down on his phone

"Should I make another song for Trey but add Edot to it because they were close"

I said as I grabbed my towels ddot looked up from his phone nodding.

"Deffo cause Edot and Trey were close"

I hummed in agreement before getting into the shower.

After 15 mins I got out and ddot was dressed in grey sweatpants and a black tee. I put my underwear on before looking for an outfit I grabbed a black crop long sleevetop and grey sweat pants.

I looked at ddot and laughed before saying

"Bitch we twinninggggg"

DDot looked up from his phone

"My mini me"

He says laughing I laughed before sitting at my vanity and doing my hair I did it half up half down and then did my make up.

After 20 mins I was done and I got up and went downstairs seeing my food on the table I grabbed it before sitting down in the living room with the others watching the rise of the planet of the apes.

After we finished the movie I got up and put our boxes and shit in the kitchen with ddot. I turned on my phone checking the time it was only 5pm the boys had decided to link with the gang at the court.

I grabbed my black cats and air pods putting one in my ear playing 𝐏𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 - 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐜𝐚 I hummed along as I placed my card in my phone case.

When everyone was ready we walked over to the deli grabbed drinks and a snack before heading over to the court. I sat down and beside Mia and we talked for abit until I saw a girl walking towards us with a gang.

I brushed it off until I heard an annoying voice

"How's ya brother"

The girl now recognised as Nicky said her brother raising a blunt to his mouth


Most the stuff she says doesn't affect me but I know she isn't mentioning my brother. When she was snickering to her friend I tied my hair up.

"Yo bitch"

I said and as she turned around to face me I punched her in the face HARD the connecting was pretty loud dd had dropped the ball as he was looking at all the commotion.

Bestfriend 🙇🏽‍♀️; SUGARHILLDDOTWhere stories live. Discover now