17 🫶🏾

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I pulled back realising this nigga was soaking. He took off his shoes and put them on the side.

"Ddot go shower you'll die of hypothermia"

"Hyper what?"

"You'll get very ill and die now get those clothes off"

"Okay mason greenwood"

"Don't make me hit you"

DDot put his hands in the air and I rolled my eyes. I turned off my tv and went upstairs.

"Alexa play 1999 Azeala Banks"


I heard ddot shout from the bathroom asking me burst out laughing. He came out the shower dancing like the idiot he is. I danced with him laughing.

I looked at his hair and it was all out and washed he looked so pretty as always. I smiled and played with his hair. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into him placing kisses all over my face.

I laughed and tried to get away and we were play fighting for abit until I heard the door slam. Shit it's Trey or maybe a nigga tryna kill me nahh, I can't take my chances so I shoved ddot out the door to go check with pillow.

After like 5 mins and no sign of ddot I got worried and went downstairs to see this nigga and Trey dat down smoking.

"Yo ddot you can't go missing and scare the shit outta me like that"

"Sorry ma"


DDot looked at me then realised what he called me. We ran upstairs and I locked the door as Trey gorilla ass started banging on it.



Ddot started laughing like mad hard which made me laugh at his laugh. After 3 mins the Trey moved from the door and opened it slowly.

"TREY! We are gonna sit down and talk okay nigga and if you don't like it you can kiss my ass"

"Inidyah what the fuck?"

Trey said and he mugged me

"Okay so me and ddot are dating"

Trey just looked at ddot mugging him.

"Trey don't look at him like that"

"Indiyah what are you dating ddot he's gang?"

"He can still be gang bitch?"

"Whateva js don't be doin freaky shit"

"Ew Trey"

I said before leaving to go upstairs I grabbed a pre roll from my draw and grabbed my lighter.

"Alexa play India By lil durk"

I said as I sat down and ddot sat beside me. He pulled me into his chest as I took a hit from my blunt passing it to him.

"Mmm I'm hungry"

"Nigga you always hungry"

"Suck my dick"

"No thank you"

I said and he just rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone ordering food.

"Can you get me food pleaseeee"

"What do you want then ma?"

"A burger and Large fries and A large coke"

He side eyed me and I flipped him off and then went onto my phone taking a selfie cause I look cute. He photo bombed me TWICE I was about to wack this nigga. After ordering our food he decided to go live. He was talking to the camera while I sat on my bed watching tik tok.

Bestfriend 🙇🏽‍♀️; SUGARHILLDDOTWhere stories live. Discover now