5 🫶🏾

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I walked into the studio and said hi to everyone. Ddot was sat on the couch with dd on live and passing a blunt back n forth.

I made my way over to ddot, and he pulled me onto his lap, giving me the blunt, then I passed it to dd the comments went wild asking if I was dating ddot.

We kept saying no. After about 10 mins, Trey walked in from the booth, and I wasn't even paying attention to it until I was lifted and slung over Trey's shoulders this man.


"Nah, indiyah, what Yo lil ass doing on this niggas lap"

"Trey it's not that big of a deal"

He scoffed and put me on the sofa away from ddot I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. This man is treating me like I'm 5.

"Trey leave me alone"

I got up fixing my dress before going back to ddot.

"I'm taking Yo lil ass home, and no ddot cannot come, and you're not having a sleepover for a week"


I whined he was embarrassing me in front of everyone by shouting at me. DD was creasing because he was still live.

Trey grabbed my arm and dragged me to his car. I waved bye to everyone and signalled for ddot to call me. He nodded and I got into the car.

I ran inside to get away from treys negative ass. I made myself a chocolate pop tart and grabbed water then went to my room to get dressed and watch empire.

I went upstairs and went to my room putting my drink and food on the bedside
table then got dressed in a short vest top and shorts.

I took a picture and put it up on insta before getting into bed and putting on empire while waiting for ddot to call me.


@sugarhillindi: Tell you I'm yours for life 🫶🏾
Liked by sugarhillddot, T.reezy, DDosama and 1.1k others

↪️ 🤞🏽🫶🏾

@T.reezy: Yall are weird bro this why ion need this nigga annoying me too 🙄
↪️ Hop off our dick 🫶🏾

@Jayklickin: Lil gurl put clothes on
↪️Shush JUSTIN 😂🫣


It's now 10 Trey is asleep i can hear his loud ass snoring and I got off the phone with ddot like 10 mins ago he was wearing all black and a bally for some reason, he looked good but that besides the point.

Hopefully, he doesn't do anything stupid. After 10 mins I heard rocks hotting my window I got up and looked outside seeing ddot dumbass waving.

I run downstairs as quiet as I can trying not to wake up Trey I mean he's probably out of it. I open the door and signal for ddot to be quiet. We sneak up to my room.

"Was the all-black needed?"


"Kanye West era"

I laughed as he rolled his eyes smiling. We sat on my bed and watched Empire together. He got up to change into different clothes he has in my wardrobe

He got back into my bed and I fell asleep on his chest. I woke up to ddot getting out of my bed.

"Ddot it's.." I checked my phone "1 am"

"I know yah yah but I gotta go or Trey will kill me in the morning"

"Ugh I can't stand him"

Ddot laughed grabbing his Kanye west clothes before we go downstairs so I can close the door and lock it until I hear Treys loud ass foot steps ddot quickly hides.


He tiredly says

"Yeah Trey?"

"Why are you up?"

"Getting water I was thristy go back to bed Trey"

"Okay night inidyah"

I wait for him to close his door before sighing as ddot came from wherever he was. I hugged him and gave him a kiss om the cheek before he left. I closed the door and grabbed a glass of water before returning to my room and sleeping.


Give me ideas to put in yall 🫣

Also comment n vote 🫶🏾

Short cuz I was braindead 💕

Bestfriend 🙇🏽‍♀️; SUGARHILLDDOTWhere stories live. Discover now